Nuhou, Volume II, Number 11, 19 ʻAukake 1873 — Petitions. [ARTICLE]
The Uoverniueii(: papei' published petition with all its siguatureß, fbur months after the doeument. whieh was printed at thc Government office, had been eirculated ' and signed ; and it published it after many r>f the signers had left the eountry, or had died : beeause it furnished }fficials with an excusc in the scheme to sell the eountry; and now the (iOvernment has received several pentions signed by thousands, and the doeumeiits are tresh from the peoplē, and yet it «ieclines to publish such petitions. simply because the prayer of the people in these petitions eondemns the aetion of the Government in proposing ro cede Ilawaiian territory as treasonable,