Nuhou, Volume II, Number 11, 19 August 1873 — Santa Cruz and Lanai [ARTICLE]
Santa Cruz and Lanai
I . 1 Aie two is!ands oi' tbe saine area, eaeh aboui 120 ! miles square ; a!so both are tropieal, botli liaving a sharo of mouniain aiul vale alike ; aud tliej re- ] sembled eaeh other at one time in their produets; J that is, sheep aod goats, and poultrj,—reared for I | the Bupply of the neighboring plaatatioßS ofj plaul m tbis Archipclago, anel of Jamaica aiid i lother islands iu that Arehipelago, But thougli! J they reBemble eaeh other m so many partleulars } j they difier immensely iu other respeets. Lanai' has tbree hundred aud forty-e?ght inhabiiants all told, and Santa Cruz supports a populatioo of one hundred aud twentj thousand souls. Lanai hae about three inhabitauts to the square mile, i and Santa Cruz hae one thousand. And now \tq , boldly affirm that Lanai eould support as many ! people as Santa Cruz, if weeouldpursue thesame | industry as Santa Cru//, aud have her opportunitios of labor»eapital, and a market. When Santa | | Cruz sold goats and ehickens, she \\as uot mueh J I richer than L;mai; but now the wealtli of her eoil could buy all {his Kiugdom a and why?—bccause she eonverts tlie produot of her soil into rum. Rum Ik s a. mean sound< We don % t liin'K rnn.i, TTe don*t want to persuade any l'C>dy to druik rum. don % t use tobaeeo } we L>Vt smokc opium } nor take laudanum f nor eau de eologne, nor spirits of mtrt-, ueither anjthing elee of the k;inL We are free from vicos as a man, ho\> t ;ver * 1 polluted.o mas be as aneJitor. But if all the world wero so \lttuous, where >vouid be mueh of the grandeur and glory of ; OhristeiuoM ? Thi<? glory aud thie grandeur are i:, - ;
brgelj fjunded on jiarepue:s iiiid&amulaiiti. The but»dreds of millions of!dollars of India, the eontroH of the trade r,f Chitia, und tlie Empke tf tlio Eaet are founded on qpium ; uud wherc wouJd Pro.nee find a large portiou of hcr milllr.rds :vnJ' Rng)aD<l and America tbe;r ī>illians, Tvi;licu'. :!„■ help of tobacco, brandj, wliiskj, and ruui. īt is no use to try tojbind the woild \vitl. oiu virfcue; beeausi' i; cake? and ale" will abound , we mi™ht as well hrtve a hand in tLe of 'them. And why should we bo afraid ? Kum cvi|clently does not kill| off Santa Cruzane ; but ! wei are afraid that potaioe beer, prieklj peai pop, ! melon rot-gut, ki root! eielei-, and awa 6lc-bbcr ! baye killed off a good nianj. of our Jjunaians. "īhe darkey of banta,Cruz luves to drinkai\l.-uc i Bpirits ns well as tlie kanaka of our isle but iiō'a lthdt S«nta < 'riiz*lH iuto a graud ru:« ! <li9tillery, imder an ajwirable sjsteiu of re{;ulatiou, there is less proportiocate druitke;jnep? — legs tcmptation to drink, than iu ti<e mU |dap when thcy sold goats aud ehiekeui. 'liie | coptaut suwll of a distillcrj kills the teite £•:• | ; just a$ a ilnnikai'u vvas euieu by j6ia|ntly'seai?oning all hi> foed w ith whL-kv* unti; • it beeame a» utter We feel sure t!.u: j ram vv< -' ; ' c niadc hei'e plj.:Uitullj, there wouīū uo: jbC|as «U'uuk, ;ts iij\\ wiieu it is impvr;\.f". Janfl eheu t!ic iuiportatior. :;;td I would be imiueuse iu the umtei;;i: | ol thebe j j\\o c<tu Uiake ium wiieie >re eaniioi u^ake j6U£ai', AIl ihe salt marshes hy thc &ea, ull tiw jrough landB of the iuieiioi.*, \vould produec tseelj e - llc rum. l)a|muged eane would begoc.i j foij i-um. All skimminp? and trash woula make jrup. JuBt us the lovely āowei* 6prings? Loui , Jfjul bauk of foil; so maj the bpirit that j c j o°^s and piosperu^ j thp rough plaees and ppparent barren* tU>v j isljes. Do jou staud oiji jour \utue, uud | u-iw fo?ter Vice, bj aiaking Ihai, whieh I brother dru,uk ? Uiu uou'i |P ar: govermueu| by iueaus. t wlueh inuk^ a \irother fail ? —\\ iii jou. rclute a eein 1< |eapce u eome a kiud ihu j simied m the gettuu o ( f it ? We Uiiuk ne t. , A gOjOd eoiu U ii truth t eveu ln the luiud? of Devil, Aud tho spirit that ahouud& ui uur wl|lHhj a blessiug to the laud % though t!>e uf j Evil ims wark ihe puiu of mmy & saui b\ ii* iub,use, ; I l v %-| i r } i n %v " av of iueans, a iivu% jP^rt t uud a i\uiiug tiajdc. We C4iiuot get it i?iu jv)fj *ugar aloue ; uor u{ eoru and Our j »ropu' aud vuk\|u;ie soii iu to to \sfU % h&i li we iha c^ ti Ay&t»uu» aitd shij» 01 6hip* eoueh herc we t>c |eautcuu