Nuhou, Volume II, Number 11, 19 ʻAukake 1873 — Foreign News Per "D. c. Murray." [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Foreign News Per "D. c. Murray."

Ihia favorite eiippei' arrived iu port"at 2 i-. m. | i yesterday. She bring6 — days later iie\vs. Spain sende the most lively news. Oontreras commander of the Republieanßj at Carthagena, | threateiis to eapture some German Bhips, unlesB a • Spanish ship, the Viyilantc, captured by a Ger- | jman frigatc is restored. % ■ \ j XiiQ Prussian and Englieh liovernments have ' 1 aotifie4 their eruisers to treat as pirates, certain ! ships-of-war (Spanish) seized by the insurgents under Contrera6. The insurgents threaten to kill every foreign Consul, if the vessels they bave 1 Beized, are so treated. Danger of mter- ■ ventiofe in Spain. | Exgland.—Proposed Marriage of Duke of| Edinburgh with daughter of Emperor of īiussia. j | France.—Probabilitj that Marshal MeMahon j i Wi.II heau 1 iio ai'my U> recfiore tlie moitare]iy ;or j ! taorc likely. thc empir<\

j Hāp 5 * Our mueh esteemcd Rassian vic?itors <ay they like our tropie elime very mueh, beeause It ; ie not as cokh*as under their own