Nuhou, Volume II, Number 11, 19 August 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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112| mHvilify t iW. * # ijgS usau«£^jEsst~ jA. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR J lias become (he uK>st populai iuiutui%:. I Jl this city. It is the cue, which recommends v j ipost to the favorable consideration of strai^*: | Everyone who arrives iu Honolulu indulges In a .expression of surprise us Slid so hu*., sc Cig«*~ I and such a wo!! appeal tod 1U ul It a £. x ! Jam. but it ?< well worth r'hv luv nej The c!L:« j pi\>jeetors and promoters , 112 -Jie Hiildh*- W-i 1 blamed for haying erccted such ;.n extKi^ui.:'. j large edifice j but before a )ni h;.s expUx.l j was opened it is frequently found u> U :■_• . , accommodate its throne of guests, —ui. I I etor is about to erect four . v i the demand upon his hjospittUify. j | The building it lighted with -,v. The in;,:. | Room i$ a spaciousuotflehall, and cau <pc;^ If table. The parlor 3p furuUbed very :u^i!vu; j and has a. superior toned piauv for the enteral: . inent of guests. Then? is a Billiard S.devii ±:. v"C-, three Sthrale & (V, % s patent eushu-u I The Bed-rooms are all furnished with spi-Lg | {rases, and tasteful of furuituu, w!th -!d ; j warn, and shower bat as attached | j | Travelers from all parts of the. wa!d w^ v u:\] _ yrough t hew m comfort by the comiuoilous sUc/: ships of the Australian line* say ;L: 5 th«r* is no house of publk v ;, /„ )P*dS* ooaBt, or in thj* British Colonies whkl »iMt» m point of and elcgunce the ?•-