Nuhou, Volume II, Number 10, 15 ʻAukake 1873 — "Namby Pamby." [ARTICLE]
"Namby Pamby."
Dear Mr. Nuhou :—Will you exeuse a 6light eorreetion, Charles Diekoni? did not origiuate tbe esprePsiori tJ Namby Pambj,- It was firgt beetowed on Ambrosc Phihps t one of tlie eontributors to the Spectutor and Tatler by DeanSwift, in allusioii to hie numeroue short-line verecs. It i8 the same Ambrose Philipe whom Pope describes ū& % " The Bard whom pīlfcr*a Pastorals lenown Who turus a Pkeiau Talc, for Ualf-a-crowu t writes to mako liis lNirrcnncsa appcar «Uaine, from hard-bcuuOi braias elght iincs a 3 ear."
Xhere ie a eeedj inan rouud towu said to baYC "»o vieiblc meane of euheieleaee." But wc tbink hc is in the lianl tixar buaincfis. ,OT A gritty epinster to)<l ue, sbc woulii aot fear to foee Satasi, But we tl?>uglit old Niek »ight fear to fi\oo her. ' HF Thc oflScc of the |\ 1:1101 vrill bc jxiuoycil n«t week from its locatiou to Kaahumanu Ste«ct. ' : '