Nuhou, Volume II, Number 10, 15 ʻAukake 1873 — Off or Ow? [ARTICLE]
Off or Ow?
We should like to know. We publi&hcd a list of our honorcd vlsitore, the Ituegiau officcr3, uhieh derived froin an official source, and in whieh we found the namee that terminated in the gound of off, spelt o-f-f: but we see another list, and no doubt offieial, in whieh we see that all the offs are spelt ow ; now how it?that? Woreincmbcr General Kutmanozofl", and we are eurc liie namo ended in ff s at least it sounded so. The ow may be thc trae Maseoyitc ort!iography for off, and we don't want to get into a mua? with any cove on the eu\>ject. I3ut this we must say, that we will stick"to our Englieh way of epclling the sound of oiT. We arc on it. We remcmbcr the great Magyary Lonls Kossuth : who spelt his name Lajos Ko?hoot, now who eoukl recognize the great llungarian with such a spel!ing. And eho.ukl you iueet the gallant I>lagodarow,and only knew his uameas so spelt-, youwould hardly know what to do, in thc way of eorrcct pronunciation of-i)is name, beeause it would'nt do to say Mr Blagodarew but Mr, Blagodarofi'. to avōid mietakes with the names of ottr gallant visitors, whom we hope will pardon our littledisquisition in tlie eauee of convenience, as well as truth 3 we think it will be well to stick to our ineorrcct Engligli orthography ae bcttcr adapted to convey the correct eound to our ears; the |journal to tfie coutrary notwithetanding. But !xfiinporte, ' What's ia a naaie t Thai whieh we eall a ro\y, j "WouM be «amo, were to speli it roff) 3o tho Nvh4p& wouW, \vere it speit Nulioff, Retain that <lear .perfection whieh it ovros Without that title.