Nuhou, Volume II, Number 10, 15 August 1873 — Backbone. [ARTICLE]

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(AN -\DAPTATION.) yoa scc somc weak knecd brothcr« Without Hmi and viow?, ■W.orXing by tho brams of otherSj Walking in tlieir cast off shoes j ??neaking roimd for gam and favor With'toadying sniile and bared heād Rea4y to back downj' or waver, Willing to liank fbf uaily bread : Walk yourself wUh ilrmer bearing TUrow your moral fehoulders back tiio\v your spine has nerve and marrow~ Just the thlng, whieli tlieir ? s must iaek, A stro«ger word Was never heard In sense and tone _ Than this—backbone, " Whea you see a man of trade Uugging close his paltry . Seekiiig only to bej>aid : Whatever be his pams See£inggam, howevdr vile } - Knowing nanght honor ? s l£>ws Garing more to make his pile Thaatohe!p a norie cause >*:. Walk yourself with ljirmer I>earing Throw your'moral :shoulderg back Show >*our sinne ha~ and marrow — Just the thmg, whieh ihur s mu«t laek, X stronger word Was tiever heard In sense and tonc Than this—backbone, Whea you see"a pooSr edītīou Of a man whoyr!tes for dok^ Intriguing ioto fat positiori. la the or at Po!ls Wiīh ao frit, or $eus* about him, Kothlog or or llavlsf B€ithor nor s im, l>ouble-sMed a!l arount! 4 SValk yourself with Grmer Throw your moial shouMer« back, Show your epine has nerve and m&trow~ Ju?t thc thiog whieh hiM inu<sf A «troDger worU Wii nmr hmd la «ea«« aud touc Than thi*<—backbone.|