Nuhou, Volume II, Number 10, 15 August 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HERBERT PROPRIETOR I~ | : jfriilS has become most popular institution ,; IJL this city. It is the cue, which recommend* us iuost to the favorable censiJcraticn cf strainer* Everyone who arrives in Honolulu indulges ip, ul I Expression of surprise to find so so cle<*;uit. such a well appointed Ik!: 1 It cost ipm, but it is well worth the monej. Ike projectors aud promoters of she building blamed for having erected such an <.xuavagant'.;> large edifice : but tefcjre a year has expired s;«e opened it is frequently fouu,; u l-c toe ss&i»:i u accommodate its thrvu|g of guests,- ac.l tl.c p\p.etor is about to erect four adjacent c ttages u aa; I the demand upon his hospitality'. [ The building is lighted with gas. The Puiuig }*wui is a spacious uol|>k kail, aud osui seat -W 1 peri. l tabic. The paxlor is furnished xey luxuriously, And lias a superior joned piano for the ibent of pests. There is a Billiard &»kca prc-uic-l *H!i thiw Sthr&le & Co/s patent cushion talk* Wie Bed-rooms aw all furnished with a*; and tasteful eets of furniture, with cold at.l warm, aud shower baths attached. _ \ ■ | Xmniers from all parti cf the world nhc irtj act? brought here iu comfort by die ccaaodicas Ships of the liiie.s.\j $it»t Ifcere is no house of Jpublk entertainment ca the P*elfio coast, or in the British Colonies f**M po»«rt of ccmfcrt and decance the nev