Nuhou, Volume II, Number 10, 15 August 1873 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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STEAMER KSLAUEA ! MONDAY, : : : : : AUGUST 18th, WILL LEAVE HONOLULU AT 6 P. M, } touching first at Lanai. thence to Lahaina and Maalaea Bay, 'returning will leave Maalaea Bay at %P. M, } Aug. 19, and lahaina at; 6 P. M. same day. WEDIfESI)XI : : AUGUST 20th, ' \ . W ill leave at 4 P. M. 'Tor.the Circuit of Kauai. - »-•. aull 21 r ' TH E FOIT W T 11 \ T m TH K t'NOERSIGNttO — --5 to n >tifv the puMi' of HonoTPs RE-OPE.V TIIK ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT ' —Uas ah— *• FIRST-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE and itostfturoiit I On Sunday Morning, August 3d, AYhero will be found 1 iri the best style, alt the subsiaiuiaU and delicacies thv market afford?*. The services of Good Cooks and Waiters have been procured, and facilities ure unequalled. This Establishment pays its grace rV, VitetunV and baUV* tnlls every week, and consequently the rule of setUeiueut will be required frcm «> ustomers, TERMS—Hoard* SC.OO per Week ; Lunelle* us heretofi>re, 3ixakfas?t from oto9 A. >i.. Dinner, from 12 M .*to 2P. M ; Supper, from 5t07 P* M ROBERT R\CKOFI\ Proprietor Jionoluliu An?. 1, * »u2 112