Nuhou, Volume II, Number 10, 15 August 1873 — Sovereigns [ARTICLE]
Shoul4 bc coased to eome to, and not to yo from our ghores. Let us unite with our intclligent Chamber of Commerce to weleome Australian and othei' BritiBh sovereigns, like the Shah ls welcomed at a trifle over the real value, in order to persuade them to staj, Let us weleome too thosc golden potcntates, German thalers, French and Dutch guilders in the same liberal mannei*. Five dollars for an Australian sovereigh, and no tcrritory for reeiprocity is our motto. .
Why should a doetor not bc sca-sick? he ie accustomed to see'siekness. |^ ; Haysolden Brothers lmve somcthing to offer you that is better than youv cash, provided you requirc wlmt tlicy oQcr Heaha īa ia! Kikaha ka iwa i na pali.
grThe ī!otol CuDOcrt la*t n!glit wa* a perf*x-f pleaBure, Our caval and Amcrica|n, turncd out in and were [•=■ the geene and melody recall§d glorleē of greatc: eapitols. " Nab^codon^JSor ,,, was admirab!j rer. deifed. The " Carrier jn the Woods " delight<:- < allears with his eehoin** hom—but llau?erV e-:: quisite strains were given wilu a sweetnes* tl.«r' called forfch the \varmest prai*e.
sr Oil 011 the troubled \vatercf. Thore ipromise of a.large inqrease of wLalers ia Port this Fall. Let us t]iem, as though . had some hope in as well as in a treaty VTp intend to have our pld buggy and plug Lor=-. reiidj when thej come|; because the Nlhou Lc ; as mueh need of greasipg, as anj otber mstiti: iion in the land ; whetlier editorial, minister!al lay, or clerical.