Nuhou, Volume II, Number 9, 12 August 1873 — In Memoria. [ARTICLE]
In Memoria.
Janc 'Loeau, daughtcr of Lillim, claughter of Loeau,:- daugliter of Kalani, aud son of Kamehaiacha Nui, l)eirig'the sixth from Keawe, the seventj-sixth from Wakea, and the one hundred and fifth from Kane and Kanaloa, And now oh God, let her rest in paee. Aiuen. 12-" TL r eane at Lineoiovilie. euitivatcd by a j eompan} out from Califomia is tu\'ning out some of it, Bis tōns per aere. One acre of our decomposed lava, is worth ten acres of the bcst-land of Loulsiana ( 'iĒP' We learn from information receivecl per liussian ship Askoī(l that liear Atlmiral CJuirles Farrell Hillyar, w r ho is so pleasantly remembered iii this eoinmunity when in command of the RcpuUe, has been advanced to the rank of t r ice Admiral, and has been relieved from duty on the| Paeiiie Station. līe returns home to assume some i important command. Long live the gallant Admii'iil. ——- Naval.-—II. LK. M.;s corvette Ashol<? arrived m porfc on Sunday morning last,. forty-one days irom , bound for Nagāsaki, J"apan t Her topnage is 2,150, carrying 12 guns, with a crew of 322 men. We are happy leam that this finc ship of tivq" īmperial Navy will remain with us for some weeks, in order tō paint and rctit. The ship exchanged salutes Avith the Punehbowl battery yesterday moi*ning, Following is fche list of her officers ; ■ -. r C'aptainM- Tyrtoir. 1 L Li€ūt. G<>minaYtder—Blagodavoit\ LieutenanH —Lohmauii, Bei'g. P.lak^in,• C'hedias. Piaschinsky. , J?aymaster—N. Kumaii. First | Seeond Engine€r—Krassol%ky . } TfiirdEngineer—Losavitskv. Sailin(j Masters—ritrotr, Ma\ini(ar. £te<^or^Triilae. Priest-?*A rkadi. 31idshipmen--B\xbQno f a ) Au' H- Didiel kui, Chral»c*thi, £emmoff3ky, TolkacholT. Ellerts, I!eis.