Nuhou, Volume II, Number 9, 12 August 1873 — Instruction of the Native People [ARTICLE]
Instruction of the Native People
ls a subjcct that lias reeeived most assiduous at- \ tention at thc hands of the Congregational Mis- ; sionaries, who eamo to this country. If thercbej grouiid for aceusing them ol' ncgiect of training ] in industi-ial pursuits, there ean be none in | respect to scholastie traiuing. The school*inastcr ; has r )cen abroad in llawaia fbr the past fifty | years, more tLan any other'character; andßibles, i *" » i schooi ; >ooks aiul newspapers Hawaiian; language may be said fo have almost literally 1 | overspread these islands. If letters and pnnt; would save a people. tiiese people ought to be the. best sa\cd people in the \vorld; beeause we don't j believc that theie is to- be found, on the-facc ofj the earth, a class of people in their condition, — j a peasantry housed and fed as thcy are, that hasj been providcd wilii as mueh printcd iustructionj as the llawaiians. . i No one will object to thi&; but on the contrary, j will laud eueh zeal for impartiug knowledge, pro-1 vided that the instruction is calculated to en-' lighteu the people and make them better and j more yaluablc eitizens of the »State; and we ] mercly propose to glanee at this time, at one the means cniployed to aecomplish this end. The j vehicle now used for conveying instruction to thc nativc mind. is u newspapcr, named the Kuokoa. It is said to havo a circulation of 4372 ; eopies; and no doubt is read very gcneraliy| throughout tbcse isiands. lt is, considcring thc| cost of printing in Ilonolulu, furnishcd cheap!yj by thc; publisher, ut two dol!ars pcr annum; but| iu this pub]icatiōii he is aidcd by a jtiibsidy of §1,000 from the Ilawaiian Board of tlie Conffre-l • w | gational Mission; whieh pecuniary support is, \ve | may repeat, all very proper if the inlbrmation I imparted be benefieial to the nativc people. We have been examining a few numbers of this papei'. aml \vo observe that a eertaiu stor,y | fills three or four eoluuins, and sometimcs a wliole ! page of eaeh issue, and has been continue,d now ] about two years, aud has reaehed thc eighty-third J number. It purports to ho a translation from the j Arabian Nights, ahhough it has rcaehed propor-| tions far beyond the whole of the Arabian Nightj Stories t and e\idCutlj is a uiere invcntion that had little in Arabia. Now if the iu~ Yention \vas good, \vas ,artistie and sensibk\ we iuight lie pleased with the iiuaginatiou of the. in spite of its paipahle ibrgery. But thc crcative faeuky in Uii§ literary \vork is c\i|deiuly not to that of an Afcicau plaatation nursc in Caroliqa s iuveutiug bugalhjo stories to auiuse or jutrseliugs on her knet}s, For instauce f iu the numbcr« of k\st &Uux\la>*, \ve read as follows ; ; " Wheu ho (thc aero U»hijx\) 6at do\vn to eat, | the Kiug got rcady that \vas ukv; | aud as he cat the Kisig faipk\l hiiu,\vith a kahili;
1 and <jf aj! t!iūt eLijto!i. there n-thing n.■- • |ln all /7?'? "/". And ;\v!iCii he wa? done caf;:u j t!;ic I\ing put everything away in the cupk..*jiK * ! And thcn tle King showed him a niee bed : r | sqrid Iw might sleep thpe, and in the iaorning 1 • j woukl briug hiiii ? wash bowl with a pieee , seented soap, a»id a toj\vcl only to be use.l Vy, J hpii* to the thvouo, aiv| he wauM bring ?J -- fumed oil and a com-> f>r hi: hfur innde >;-vt i!■| . - ' , ose of his l>one.-. " * ' The condition impos|ed f:»r all this atteutiy .. - . that the hero should fiud out who stole sh>o; o. i of the room diuing tbe night. īf he succee A-.: I he should bc King, Ijjut if Le faile»d to find L-l ī an}*thing he \vas to be|hung. When left alone; . : pickcd up a and read anadverflseiti;.^ ! abbut the finding of tljie shoe thief, —the rewar ! aikl thc penalty of failure ; and tliere was a »,!. ■ i ture.of a gaUov:s at thc end of theadvertisomc... | A\ r hilst he was thinki|ug of \vhat he shoull C. | aikl determincd to keep wide awake, he hcavo . i big noise that shook t 'ie v;in<hu:-sashii; an.l l : and by a niee youug g.rl stood beforc him. . ! asked him "did he drink rum?" No, he \ml :. ! tetnperance inan. Ile had never tastcd any ir. " ; his life, but had heard,that it madc people crū,:r I pdor, and killed them. That's so, saki the g::I I in!other countrics, but| herc, therumof thisk:i. c i ddm, just makes you ijappily tiglit (noenje m:..j kai), and don % t hurt yeu a bit. Let us two tal. ja !good drink. and you will see \vhat u ! (Walea) and niee sleepjj-ou will have. Ile ! bdt thc terajtress pprsuadcd; and wheu i yielded, she pulled a ljottle ol" wine fVom ou: / j her bosom (poli), and phe filled two tiauhkrs ' i then thev (jīa§s<:s tog£ihcr. And tke: ; drhnk till they emptiej the bottlc. And .: ' \\dc finished she stooc| a hoiik of oi; I table, and they drank till it was finished; h\a*. ; ! sc<|ing that he was stilji steady on his pins, w;:; ! intjo another room and brought back a do2en : r > ! (kakini omole) of rum ; and kcptitufSugl,. % hij!>a till he finished tjhis dozcn; aud fckei. wdnt and got anothcr |dczeu (kakini kou}. I he!and she kept on s\viggiug till they hadguz;lw" I down/<.w dozt?i and ljtco odd bottlcs (eha kak| |me elua omole.) Arid afler that, thing* j ? anil we got tire lof translatiug. But pei haps we havc sho\vn inough in this delecta*! scra P trom tJfe the chicf .. ! striictor of the llawalii|n, \vhat litcxary pahuk|. | is iurnished for native| eulightenment, anl I;,\ I judiieiously are emploved, the dollars tl:a; I gathered togetl\cr for evangelieal instruetio:; I tVere we to dip deep|y s and produec all u.e isuixiities of this homj mauufactured Ar.:l. i ! etoh". whieh hus '»ecn t|ickliug and u, ' t*v«h thouglit for seve4l years, \vc eoukl sk.» | eudugh to make the haip of everj iellceuYe 1 of inissions bot!i at aud abivx\d. stan ! ! emk i I i IVe don % t eay that tlic stories of the if into wouki - poliuio tke , : of the Five rpiuts of >\e\v XoikC;i%\ but! that they woukl suit it very well; aud \k feci|sure, that if thc publishcr woul4 trausUiv > jx*rtton s he might eouul upou au merease oi' scri|ptkm from the dun|s of that qmuter Atubrki\H metro|x>lk.
«Sf" A' lo Kihuea mdkcs a rouuJ txip Moud;\v, U> lauai, Lahaim, and M;ukc.\ B„, anaiwill be gouc about 30 houts. l>is *iU be a plcas*ut opponuuiu toi au. Btratogcr m towu, wiio likcs a sca uip, to takc " gUiKV at four of our īsiaods, Maui, Molok.;. | Uu|\u aud Iv.Uk\)luwc, >Tith gUan*scs of Ihwa;.