Nuhou, Volume II, Number 9, 12 August 1873 — The Shah. [ARTICLE]

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The Shah.

Itjie gaid, has farmed out Lie domaiii anu pc6ple to an Fnglls!i Oi]nipanj, and !)ie domg *iSFj® h tonj=idcred a proper or a panMlel e;4es® jfuij t)je Kaig of the IluWaiian people to iiuitatc. |in | oeding a part of Ilawaiiau terrltorv. \Vo j dop i see, and nobody put a ;i slmpleton ** eoiiu! jse^ s anyihing of tbe kipd. The Shah simply pr_jpopes to emploj fore|gn instead oF uative"tas jgatherer6 i and he maj,farm out hie govevnnic::t j ac? %vell as his domain. lIIs Majesty Kuig Lun;j lilp might do fo advant.agoous!j if Le ooulo. p.:< jMjvjesty might engag«v . x c\e:. M\ith one imm of enterpise anu ahi!ity r -\sit:i - eo::itraētor to vun tho government īn all its dot:U*> I of dip]omaey, linanoe, and intvrnal jmpvovemen ■ —to collect the tnxcsj, to open np nnlmpvoVC'* j !u|kl*s to supervi?o oll ( the induMrlo> *of tbe U;ai>d^ ; said eontraetor poying a!I s-a!aries nu l ox- . t! e saiiio| timo !»o vociuho;! anV * v to pay to Ilis Majosty a royatty of o;., * thonsand do!»nrs j:ei annum foi* t*«- ' pr|lvilego. !t wouhl no douht £uit Tlb Mak:>*v ! to 1 niake ?ueh a simpW and profitaMe owar£,cmUt if he only Shah of the Uawa!':' Is!ands, instead of Ving unfortui?atvly a oor >t* tdtionn! King, \vith i Kiug nnd a T.egi>!;it<it\ ! Tijero is no Pemnn I^ng t t!mt is a powor V-Mt ! • thc throno. 1f t!-o !>ankov ;! I<|\ ond hie» cliq\te |shou!d say to the |"|¥our Maiesty muet M1 out Bushhe a$ a naw.l |stption to the PeniMhee**, in onler t impi\?\v trade iu sheep §kms avul sheluio»"- tlo l\: I sihn Monaroh would simply reply l y I Noumtd\VB head into his >vaste ha^ei. lt w.u I the >roctice of the moiiare!i< of l I BraMf8 raM f oetKHS 01* for the fariuing oui o 1 ,al|l the indu£ti'ks ot Ukk douxiulou<, at;a I; t been a oonmioi) practk l c \\lthautociaU, m!..' \vc;. ;n|t hotheml wit!i eitl|cr a legklatiuv , r a jm ? .I \emvy io gr?\nt $ueh privi!egos as a suhstitmcT jafctive ciUcrprkc \vhfeh their aoso!utism a:r* I wrct*cU< Now to 6uy tlu\t this fviriuing of tlu . plauting, aud manufutui!ng of Pcr-:;,, whoro the ehieF is master of cvery fc-ct of ;!u ond of tho liU\ds of the people, ; lc«se m and $hni!ar to the eessfon ;iT 1 I *tml |x>cuon o( terrltory oT tius couutl\\ j whcrc thc Kiug w $ttsu\med % thc wlll of , pCopk\ we >Imply ropj!y ta - 4 nnmKeu)lerv-IMuiw r