Nuhou, Volume II, Number 9, 12 August 1873 — Not Too Old. [ARTICLE]
Not Too Old.
Au excelient fello\v citizen t!iat he has ' * passed the bounclary of thē iropressible perioJ , . 01 man'g lifej ,v meaū!tig, accor<3ing to previous i iemiirksj that he had passecl the period of a ohange of conYiction. We have not passed thatboundary. We are not too old to leam'; nor to :hange an opinion, nor aeknowledge an error when we see ifc. We have just arrived at our impressible age, wheli the beauties of naturej the ,uest of knowledge 5 the melody of Jiwsie, the <:weots of society, the love of fame, and eternal -:ope possess our whole being. We have had -ome §hare of life; and mileli have seen and knov?n and sufiered. Yet let us brothers of the enellow day§ who ean still enjoy the melodies of :fife^eay. ' . , •' though mueh is lakeii, mueīi abides ; anll tho- ■ We are not uow thai strei)gth whieli in okl <.lays t ; Moved eartli and hepen, that whieh we we aie; Oiie equal temper ohīerotc Made weali hy tinie aiul iaie, hut 1» wlli Yo to m ek, to anJ not to vield/'
Ilotel Tromen\u>k Oonoeih "Auguet 14t!i, at S o'eloek P, M. PART ī. Adjutant GeueraJ Marcli ~. *Bergēv nverture~Opera Nart>uiodouosor. k ......., VeMi n-ou art so near, aoa y*t so lUr.. ,īleicharat vpne. womao auiHong—'WaUi»... ... ,§*rā«£B >ART n, Maieh—fiom MiMuighrs $-uuimer Droaiii.>uii»loWin icmombrauce oi homo. i tli 4 . 4 ... .lIau«or »' \icbcard Uvwdr?lJo ;v .o(renbach ī jo Mail Carrier ni t!ie \Voods —by requcst........ ,^cha!fcr We !iuve liore a delig!itful eeleelion of nnme, :.ud well eāleukted to di??ph>y the admirat>]o pkiH c-f our ?>and.
!I •. - T!ie ivw \ * ground . rei\ li* !au;l o:t rer:\sent 1 >ng \ ' ! ;ine to knvw whv. <* i* up. l>e-^ : » 4 | ' i<» t T a< :V :!?*••!/ T ! y.