Nuhou, Volume II, Number 9, 12 August 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL A. HERBERT, ; ; PROPRIETOR jflMlbS lias become the must popular iustitutK-n . j X this city. It is |tbc oue > which KCviiimtXids jmost to the favorable consideration of strange - ! Everyone who arrives in Honolulu icurgd a: I expression of surprise to find so !ar-\ so (and such a well appointed HU:* It cost ;» g|SUU3> but it is well worth the inotiej. The cVa j projectors and promoters vf tue Wilding w c v blamed for having erected sikv a- exti large edifice ; but before a year expV t * was opened it is frequently found u> Ve u,> -d> >4 accommodate its throng of guests,—;d tV r . i letor is about to erect four adjacci t _ I the demand upon his hospitality. | The building is lighted with ga> iix , I lloom is a spacious noblehall, and can ; iWjjpei }at table The parlor is furnished very !u*u|fc->v ■ and has a superior toned piano for I rnent of guests. Thjere Is a Billiard $a\vn (with three Souralej& CV$ patent cu>hkn.talV [The Bed-rooms are!all famished with spvhtg-.v.. | tressos, and tas f e£«l sots of f\muitm\ wi\h c \Vx warm, and shower baths attached. ' . torn all parts cf the world who :.u v..? brought here in comfort by the coimnod!o;:s $u\v ! ships of the Australian line, say nnaron\ us'y ;a I there is 110 house of public cntertaifiKem \u i., I Pacific coast, or in the British Colonic* wlik;!i iCi: in poittt ,cf eomfbvt t%)h\ etegauco the ih