Nuhou, Volume II, Number 8, 8 ʻAukake 1873 — THE CESSION OF TERRITORY [ARTICLE]
W|ill not be tolerated| by native sentiment ;* i A journal jn the interestoi" cesslepublisheā the of a '• Ui]iion " on Maui to £\dvocate cession of Pea." Harbor. In this sorqe very respectable ters have taken part; but not one nati; c name is mentioned. | We are confident t;;. _ .i sut;h a " Protective t"nion " will hardly enijibled to organize a party in accordance wl:: their views, tiiat wi]l embrace one fifticu part of the population of Maui. |This joumal also |states that at the ce,Lbration of Restoration Day in this cuy, :i: Keoneula, the discus«ion of tlie cessiou Pepl Harbor was frej;ly permitted by a:i semblage of native yoiung nien, aiul was onr, in pue case slightly interrupted by a dru:i'.. eu man. This is an utter willful nūs?u;; niynt, in order to coyer up the uiieomūi' ~ ofjthe editor of thatj joumal, who was ee;.. peiled to desist from ppeaking on the by j tUe Presideut of |the asseinblage, who.i. action was evidently suyaūiod by al'; ilu people prosent. ]