Nuhou, Volume II, Number 8, 8 August 1873 — RECIPROCITY [ARTICLE]

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\yith the United Stateg h niueh need«r-» tiiese islandU. We exchange our %ugai £. goods to about aa enual bū,t America charges say eight to one h": dred per cent. on qur produce, u-hilst v echptrge on her goods| (en per c-ent. To sV a |dollar's \vorth of Hawaiian prodtice Aijnerica \ve must pay nearly a dol]ar ; whei. aS| to sell a dollar*s \yorth of American goo J * in Hawaii the charge is one dime. To i - duce America to fqrego her high charg7> and act " generousiy;, v it is proposea that \ : her a piece| of our territory. thfnk that America ( will have another a L what woukl he generous on I*: ps*rt. lWe hope in a;ddition to American ■. ciprocity, to secure r£ciprocity \vith CanaJ:'. I Australia and New j£ealand. We ako j for a cash ~market in| Honolulu \ our gover : | ment acting as factor. We hope for a coiv|plete utilization of fill the produce of o. = | agriculture; \ve hopp for more capital at | lower rate; and shall- hope and try for an i - | crsase of people. ;