Nuhou, Volume II, Number 7, 5 August 1873 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WALTER MURRAY GIBSON, <p EDITOR AND J'ROPR 1 KTOK. VM;EI) EVERT TUESDAY AM) FIUDA V Office of the Nuuou, corner of Fori and <>ng Streets, where tho-e wislyng the ;>aper will please leave their orders. Price, f -n ;-enfs per copy. Two dollars-per quarter [i rwenty-six numbers. - \ A limited number of.Advertisements will I - received. The not designing +liis publication as a permanent newspaper 1 utslness, -will not keep hooks, and insists ,noir cash in advance for subscriptions and . i verUsements, He pays his printers every H;itmday. Residence at the Hawaiian Tou-f.