Nuhou, Volume II, Number 7, 5 August 1873 — Distillation of our Molasses [ARTICLE]
Distillation of our Molasses
a £ubject that \ye are goIug to i )>ut wc will saj this īuueh, diat ii Mh. | weiv men eapaMe of impre$siug dieuifielw> i oii popuhu- eentimcmj, thej \vauid be vaa(4eu u. j<*j>mbat alī the prejuJiiv tku surrouu<te the cmu } oi tUU aud |)rove tlut thc imj of aident u< noe hy iue*uu> |60 pvoilu\ble as aoiue maaufaeuuv di Uie &UcU> >uud ju6t u<> iuiiuoral t ii there be suy uumonuii\, &vtl>ei t iuore 4 iin\t depous ui iu&uufaeuu\\ī \mtiU <zm be just as well guardea v aud kep; au; the or ia&Opuee» U the e**< \* in i w®peet to ihe iiupoified Iiquor, We wouU*ki the piuhiUiUei} kw, foiiuddiu$; i:s iudiv i eriuiiuvue , i\nd \jvillu\£ to pkoe everj sakgrtuud iuouiul ii6 uie t| \ye would feel eouteut tu the £uaiduuie|up m;umiaeturc cuiv, £tjOriu£ oi £piru$ iU| tuc hauiU ef iuteJiigeiu lpUaters \\Uose u wauU ] x s to keei a striet talw over Ihe teuipiu>g fiui,L li our pl:\nun< might get vcr\ | weU, eveu it t!tey did not get r<vuvi\>cuv, to j wUieli, h* the wa) t will tKtr, aVnvt vd*>u i we euu oUuiu u Uiuwahl), !" ' : * - \-l ~