Nuhou, Volume II, Number 7, 5 ʻAukake 1873 — Hoomalimali in Church. [ARTICLE]
Hoomalimali in Church.
, j Wln'ii t!ie King cntered KuwaiuLa i C].uivi. lt|st Siinday, the Jf.\lj|bnth .s,,hool exovcise> w.i\ 6toppcil and not i:es.uneu. Thīi t lio sj)irit wliieh ia-ompted tīie *ingin-- of OW thc King on llis JIajc£ty*s e:ury 011 a iU-eWou»-'.,?-eipioii. Iniagine Oil Newiinin iv<|ueMing ehoii-tho iletio]jolitan (.'lauvit. ;o sing '• Ilalī t" the (. hiet or '• 1 hiil t,'oisuu')r.\ " .m t!:e ; «.j' l'i'esidcnt ' li.uu ; .ir tliat ;hc liislioj. ol' I.,;! intemiii(| the semco In St. Pa«:v. : iif oi\iev M salute the j-ntry <.f Ilcr il;y'e ty I \jictoriu with '■ ».'od Save īiie Qucrii." ln iiio?< j6»jualt eouim-ieo, wlieje the*o clergyuien ivsid . I tljc worsliip ol i >od injccluucs all eonsideratii.u 0 ; e;Uthly ioyalty in a liouse ol' worehip; aud we ai *c sure it would bc tlie case heie, if the <*o«i scnsc, aml go>.xl ta.«te pf our .'>overei»u w,\.- °\n:•snltcd. \