Nuhou, Volume II, Number 7, 5 August 1873 — Promenade Concert. [ARTICLE]
Promenade Concert.
\\ e rcj'.noi to uo onahloa to a.)m,»uiu:c ii>c ivvi\ a1 o 1 our iVoiaeniu!o CoiKvrts this evc i ning uc llie Uotel grouud?, aiul that ihe liborality ■ aud mueiipal t£ustofs o( some ol our lellow eicizcn.s will eusure their eoiuiiiuiinoo. Coneert to eomnieiieo at 8 o*eloek, of whieh ehe fo]hnving is the programme : I* V lv'l" t . Kwi Moi liiuiaiilu Maieh .Uorgei 4 Opei'U—'livoi)£c Horso, enew) Auber God ui Mci'cy Ik\u' Our rraycr SVhite ?oMiors' ?oMg-—' PAIH U, Thc Ragc iu Aiooiioo.-—sk\llcy\ Riuslcbeu i.ovc Amoug ūk Roscs~Schotiischo ...€oote Scleciioii» Opei'u—Barbcr Scvilio ~.Kossiui Ow !Teflgo an<l Ditch—o;Uop Fausi To li?tcn to oui' ]>aml pkvy, ihe selcotious from the Opm of tho Barbcr of Scvilie, Figaro's nutliDgi spavkling. vivaciou>. song, U wortli Uio pi-iee of a» opcra tiokct ;u>yw!ici l r. Mavk ilie livclv eKpiwnion un«ī (inisli >f ouv 'nuuhneii in this pcifi>vmnnco. ;