Nuhou, Volume II, Number 7, 5 ʻAukake 1873 — Foreign News. [ARTICLE]
Foreign News.
; The Cosla. Rica airived in purt 011 &uurday | imorniirg the 2cl inst., aftei* a pas?age of nine j days ; and the besfc newe .she briDgs is that sh»! j will continue to niake regalar trips to thls port — ; and in eharge of, as wo hope, Captain Lnpidge. : Thc l'oreign telegranis ]:>resent no .-alient }>o!nts ' j of interest to us. : Prominent poiiticians iit the l nited .States! begin to propose Generai <Jranc for a third teim ; 1 i I." "■■ . ' ■* j jau<l the Virginia..guerrilla c-liief Mosby isonc of; • his clevotcd partisans lbr still another re-eleetion. ! | j"ranee wi 11 pay up her indemnity <»n the sth ; !of Septcmber J and then when the last (iennan ! jsoldier has left her soil, she will begiu to prepare ' j for her restovation to the rank she lately oocupicd :in Eni'ope. MeMalion'B M.ini«try is h\i*geiy l>)narpartist, I Fn- Spain, tue Uepuhlie has *ig»ally defratcd ' ihv v, but 11 may be only to aeeept a soyereign who is not-a Carlist. ' 'i-iie grcat liismarek rcLires frum hls po<iu,.n ;>- ; Minii?ter for Fureign A.tfair- in (.'ennaiiw bur ;-retain.« nis olliee of Chanee!L 'r.