Nuhou, Volume II, Number 7, 5 ʻAukake 1873 — A Balance Wheel [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Balance Wheel

wanted in the editorial m.uu gement 01 <.iovernmcnfc lrazette. When its present itor eondaeted the Advcrlistr there was a v£ry iiei'al opinion expressed in respeet to the able aanagement of the journal at that time; but .;ow since this cditor has takeu eharge of tbp. prcss; everj one m astonished at the wcaknese. wanfc of judgmcnt, rashness, ineoheicney, and palpabte laek of anj respectable ediJ *rial ability displayed in the of the iutrMte, And lieiiee somc vcry general enqnirieis. Why is this? What lias eoine ovcr the man? ?las iacrease of agc dullcd his onee pungent pen ; . r has disappointinen lin respect to thc obtaining «r office under otu- new Kmg soured Ins temper, iml addled his intellect ? Not so. It is truc 4 hat di6appoinfctnent īn rēspect to office has afJected hiin vcry senously ; but still wkbelieve he thesamc rampageoue editor. that he was during palmy dajs of anfci eoolie warlarc, but the he had thcn a halanee wheel, whieli he \ not now. He wa« alwajs ready to play!i in the old tihics, the eame as oow s but the j ! :alanee wheel kept him from always putting his ! fbot intp thhgs. Ile tlnnks he is.a traiued* edi- ] t >rial gladiatoiy !iut he ne?er used to inio a | figlit without a good backer or two; but uow he j īs without lue &tout henehuian/who knew how to ! and plug thc enemy; and ainee he is! # rying it aloue, or with the help of a §tieaking.j cur or two, who are only !itted to suap at the iicels of and irritate the he gcts wingcdl •nd pīnkeil at cveiy he He V.nguagp at you Just at> a drunkeu might load and Eu at random, , l'iiekfut€ or buttons. flc is a perfeot muldlchcadcd of an editoi% and if jou don # t put a; 1 wheel to hiui he will one af iheee dajs. 'uake sotnc vuiuoue. fooli6h flipper(y Oop with, y »'\r typee. Xow |nind if he don t