Nuhou, Volume II, Number 7, 5 August 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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5 TIME-TAjBLE OF THE . ::w i f STEAMER KILAUEA A jifgM 11f h , AjjllgHst 20lli. 25th, Ist, No Cietiii fur rassi only. Not. re=por^ii-K 1 fr • ceipteil 112 »r. ju2B Circuit of K uiial v- - rtn«, - - Kos:t io >k-iR-y. Oft*. uy freight. -=v paeVagv:?. ur,V->!- r-~ G WII.DKK. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL s« rife; •r A. £«? ;4- HERBERT, ; : PROPRIETOR. , 'PUIS lias become tie most popular . ; JL this cit)*. It is tlii? one, which recommend* nmost to the favorable consideration :f * : tjveryoue who arrives. hi Honolulu indulges *u j*i. 4 expression of surprise t-> ilud so large, so ele^aiii, ' afad such \ well appointed Hote*. It cost a ; ii I ® 1 sum, but it is well worth the nivnej. The cuk ' projectors anil promoter -112 iW v»ck- ! blamed for having er?cte l siu-K uii ; lirg* edifice ; but before a $ear h;\s cxphc.l <hux k • was opened it is found le -uul t accommodate its throng of guest!?, .ail 1 etor is about to erect four adja:er.» j:;:a£e< : = - the (Jeraand upon his hpspU&l:^. The building is lighted with -as. The Boom is ;> spacious uoqleha!!,aud .Muscat ' table. The p&tlor ij? furnished Teij luxuriously„ i has a superior piano Tor the emeu&m i meat of guests. Thertf is a Billiard Salocu i*ith three Sthrale \j (\Os pateui cushion ilfhe Bed-rooms are all furnished wkh spring ,uu; 112 tmses, and ha'efc! se|s of furmunw with c-v| va i wtmu, and shower baths Attached, 1 I Trailers from all of the world *ho .re «■ brought 4 here In comfort bv the sommodkus s;vs*. 112 skip? of the line, ;L.: 112 theirs is m ln>use of ;publk eiitabuniuesit cii ;U. mst, or Tu the Brnisli mHdi mam In pthrt of l the ee* OXti -\V' AiliiLUlt> .aM ;ue pin n lie i*UUU;