Nuhou, Volume II, Number 7, 5 August 1873 — Tobacco [ARTICLE]
U|ugiit to be a &taple product of these i>!nndi., J ? % grow& | It wiil flourish ir, a of closely matted gra&3. and produce a .In2ur?n. 4 lt ean bc cultmted in so manv > wbere it is not desirablc to plant sugar eau, — T in litt!e valley|s and glens, and in iL-: sands of nooks well |she!tercd from thc w|here the native w<>ul.i be huppy t<> produe. L plant if he had the prospeet of a market. Ve produced onee on Lanr iin a little dell, barely e acre, about 800 pouuup of lcaf. whidi was part> traded off to natives iq exehange for po.t oi Vj. , nsoBtly given or throwp away. beeause we v.':: o assured that there wfis no market for it: tli:|' shipment had bcen 6crjt to San Francisco> ae ;* . laeeouiu „of nitre and .other objectsonable ?1 ; . !ip the leaf, it was no|: fit to be made up cigars. or pther marketable form. We regret this. beeausc we wci{e satisfied thaf the -could bc cultivated rfadily and to a great ex:-'. : tiiroughout these iblands. The native likes euitivate tobacco, perhaps as mueh, or mou * : than taro. Ile givesjit all the attention tliat: l-u i old \ irginiu, or planter would give 11: seeke a mellow spot sljeltered from the hot uf:e--i nouii sun for his seeu bed; and if fce sets out L - I p|ants in a sunny time he carefully shelters 1: r -t^oder-eharges with amall pleces of broken gc^u:! covers ihem with a broad leaf of Pal«:;! I Cjhristi; and they in growth, Le Is a> 1 6i|duously attentive t;o topp!ng, fcuckcring. ! | lqoking out lor grub&p If he was eure of a I njjarket, ever) kanaki* in the Sandwich Islan ' I wjho had any access tcj suitable land would ha r e u ; hfg or little tobacco pateh neai' by his homest^c;' i We have been infoi|med that a eertain I company of Cj|ilifornia,agreed to estaq^;; i a|process of manufact|ure in these islands, whL!: : wouid render our tob*jceu marketable, and wk;L them tp buy all the tobaccc| v e I ti>uid produce at a rehiunerative priee, provli.-;I | our Government would grant tliem a | privilege, or patent for a numbcr of years ? ... I op:der to enable thet]n to reap some proSc establishcd tpc enterprisc. Now, ī-;.-us we dou*t esport a pound of tobaeeo.
ar e not likclj to do eo, accordiug to pearauces, it does se<|m rea&onaWe to our uiiu '.-, that any propositioii of tbis kind sLould 1.:. .' jljeen encouragcd by gmug to tle paiiie.!„• |(.|esired jatcoit; a<Jmitjtiug that tbey could !gl- e i aesuranc?s that tbey LaJ thc !edgc r,c i thc mcans t!> utilizc tliis staf!e a; | poe«l, Howcver, our Goveromcnt dcclme-3, {. _.l lperhnjv- for go<Kl reaepns. but we sLoulJ iik, |liear thciii) to graut a patent for tLis - IProoeSf- " for curing aui mauufactuviug !And yct *howcd some little intcrcst ia t!ic ma;:. (by offi>ring a newanl*of one thousand Jollars liny parties who shonkl nrcparc or eure £0,0 I £onnd"s of Ilnwaiiun grvwn tol>ac<.\i bj ! " c " 1 ! % Pw«w." .That is to saj, this CaUra-_ , !«ompanTmaj, if thCTwill cmiark thcīr ' |ind raaehmerr iu a, venture to tlie islauJs,,' I ws!l succcssfullv ictivJuce iuilawau, ■. fbr ronderuig tobacco markctaKc, „* jfrliicL proccs« elee aiaj afterwi..:j |ftaU tlitj naj, we repcat, for eeJiiiUiation, riek probable saeri£cc, sutJ j£reat >cnefit, enui'u^; to tLc isianJs fot >3 jKoeiTv the o: oC pou«anJ oollars. Tt«. scm a 1% eua.;. kw cC cur eeououiie cycs iu thci< alow islcs, p;t vc Jor« t Ihink |hat a sem about <;■» ',V.v
piiee of a clecent trottiog uag on the' Ciiff Road ī§ enough to induce a Califbrnia man of any Lacans an<l enterprise, to pull up stakes and eome Mwaj liere, more than two thousand miles from liome, to try hls fortime 011 any saeh a pieayune prospect of prpfit, w .r . Whoever wili the culture of tobacco, a staplc product of thcee isles ; the soil of whieh ia so congeniai to the piant, siiould -pportunity to make a handsome fortune. Such j culture woukl be a gopd fortunc fbr our people. We dare say that about 2,000 of our nativos euluvate at this time little spotc* of toī»acco. They •xehange the ieaf fbr dry fish and taro; and - jmetinies selL a little for cash. They will ofi;entimes get 25 cent9 for a small bunch of een leaves; ■md of course this is a far better }iriee, tl»an they eoukl hope to get in the sale of a quantity ; ilie natives undcrstaiid that thcir prescnt littlc paitry barter trade in tobaeco leaf is exceptional; md that a rnanu[acturer eould notgive thcm ncar - > muoh as thcy get now ; but theiY;they ]sno\T : hat if their tobacco ieaf was saleable in Sah Francisco and other markets, they eoiikl i-roduce ~hip loads of it, and fiH tlieir pockets promptly with cash. AYc dare say that if a good cash .iiarket was at liand ; that a īiiillion or two of plants would be set out ne.xt spring. We would one hundred thousand plan ts on Lanai, F.vqvv native woukl have a tobacco patch ; the *torekeepers wou.UI be glad to take Ihe leaf in p#yment for goods; tobacco bo;xes woufd jostle crowd the sugar kegs and niats, (thougii quite amicably as-brothers) and we woukl sell -\}nie cheroots in America and elsewheiv, as wēll is the Manilla men and Ilabaneros,