Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — Restoration Day. [ARTICLE]
Restoration Day.
| Xesterday the 31st inpt., aud tbirt>* ycar» a-!, tiie] £nglish Admirai lliOiuas repairod the an<J unwarrautcd ac: ; of Captain Pau'.ei. "i ;,' flag was rcst|>red to its plaee of Lou' . an<j saluted; and Captflin Puulet apologiw.! 1. hifnndiscretion. And |yc think it i- tīitie t!• •. t . Hawaiian Minister eīionkl apologi2e !or ha\iii' coilteniplatcd and projjosed the reiuoval .1 • | flag from any part of IJis 3l;iJot vV domin iou-: