Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 ʻAukake 1873 — The Band. [ARTICLE]
The Band.
}Yc arc °.!\vr.js lic.ppy to savr. good word for this our vcry bcst institution, Ou the baud platform we ean ali agree; €esBionists aod anti-ces-sionists all alike. For the sake of the baud \ve are with our opponents 3 and go in \vith them for a reciprocity banu treatyWe are \villing to cede Puneh Bcrwl as a Naval Station to Fiji in order to secure the pennanenee of our tVomenade Concerte. llo\vever without joking we will do, \\nat is better 3 —we will eheerful]y give one dol~ lai a month and ask others to do so ; so that we eau cnoure a trulj enterining eoneert, aud also beeuabled to present to strangers, an exhibition of our taste and public spirit; and all thie eaii be done at a eost of onlj twenty-five eents for eaeli entertainment for your whole fkmily } and fnends that are with you.