Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — Gentlemen of the Opposition. [ARTICLE]
Gentlemen of the Opposition.
!>.>'you cot»idcr our i>whticarēquibs, our b«utcr, « ur parodieB, nnd liunioro«? adaptatione, mean peun'iloue abut-c of i īnau'e privato chunvcter? You know tīrat qCtIŪDg of the kind ean be out of our !anguag.\ But \vliat uiust jou ''iink, if jou hare any wuee of bonor. of jour ī .mipion of the Ga:tth? Is not aieh a haruin ' rash, ī'eekle*? 6?anJcrouJ fcllo\v. cnovfiih iodiunage nnjr" eaii(ic? lle will dauiagc yours. Ile i? in c:\pable of either fair, logioal argumcnt,
or the of harm3vss wit; and fit od!j to throw filtl), whieli he ufcually docs, like the lanellubber passenger 5 who in eiDptying a vc6sel to w!ndward gets the contents baek hi hi? face.