Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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jROYAL HAWAIIAN THEATRE MISS MAGGIE KNIGH monbay ' j| _. WITH AN JiXTIKK N'EW I')»<.«iKAMM K. ] for particulars see Distributing T3iPj?. | Price of on—T.\v T? ,v >. C? 5I ; j Circle, : Parrpiette, J?5 com* : Pit, ">0 cents. Ii« ; r j Seats, 25 cents extra, ! 112 ! Tickets can be had am! seat? secured at the Hav&'V 'I'll STEAMER" KILfIUEA Aligns lilt, Aiisu«( IHIIS Angns! 20ili« I ■■ V Aiigiint 25th, i - SepkiuUer Isi, Koun Circuit of Khn;~ KoiJ.i ij ICT No Credit for Pasisage Money. Ticket at the 0:1; only. >*ot responsible for any freight ov packages* u: i-:: —r- ! teipted for. j ju2S SAMUEL G, WILDKK, Ag^i.r THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL jA. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR. . r PIIIS has bccomo the most popular Institution. ; I this city. It is the one, which recommends v.i most to the favorable consideration 112 strange:* I ! j , *"* j Everyone tclio arrives in ITouolu* ; Indulges In | expression of surprise to fiud $0 large* so clegat.!. land such a well appointed Hotel It cost a £u«.d (Isum, but it is irell jvorth the n\6nc\ The eVV !| projectors anil promoters of the >uula!fig ueu j| blamed for Laving erected such an j large edifice i but befoie a has expire! suxv 1; ! was opened itjs found to be too t ! ! accommodate its throbs of guests,— and the i>\ ■; *- 1 % 1 -- .. *, * j cur is about to erect j four adjacent \ _ i tUe dew*nd upon Ins'hospitality 1 The building is lighted with gas, The [ Room is a spacious noblchall, ang can $eat *200 pet >. lat üble. The parlor is furulslusl ?e»s la&urvusN . has a superior J toned piauo for the eaten*-v. ! meat of quests. There is a Billiard Saloon | with three Sthrale jfc Co patent cushion tal\* nilw lkd-rooms are jCI fuiimhcd with spring 1, II tresses, and ireful sets of furniture, \\*th e» v 1 ~1.! > wsrm 4 and shower baths attache! j Travelers from alt parts of the world who are tu [immght hew ia oomfort bv the commodious $tcv • fshlp? of the Australian line, say unaxdrcous'v there Is tio house of public entertainment v. f..- v 'Pacific coast, or In ttie BrWsh Co\mUs whlcli juifttolel !n point of cjorcfrrt an,l fte to*