Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
I er Waggio Knight siDgs nnā danecs on M. dj&y Bight at thc Rojnl Hsnvniian Thcutio, . Oiui cutcrtain joJu vcry pleasarst!y ?*ie : but u chi3J, onlj somc fouvteon ycars of aj prctty ;iad graeeful one; and though not nu v &prima donna, yet ihe sirijp and diuu\\* gj«»t sweetnes§ t aml - iwsistcvi by Mr. Clemment< \vith iwoiie. $oag;vnd recitations. , TTe rememt?cr thnt !ie lu ' a awd admirers !n San Fr;ineisOvV You\\\ a vexy ngnva*o!c cvenirg ? and Maggie a beneSt. J" 1 HP Tf nny eno to make a $ncakln> «hnnl nttack \?hieh he i? ntVaid to a?ow t |et h\. eam it to thc
The stcady convaleBcence of Monsieur Le Monnycv rcjoices a host of friends. He seemed 'hūa fe\v: ciays a»o to be at the portal of another vv jrkl, but lie hae returned, as it were to life.' We kared to have to write of hhn' sōrrowiiiglj, as of iiie past; jbut now we ean write r<yoicingly of him as of the present, and likely to be of the iutare for many a long day to eome, Māy he -hap|ily meet tlie lovjed ones of his home, and press .n-?o more wi'th buoyant step the soil of his be- ! vcd Francc.