Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 ʻAukake 1873 — "His Published Policy." [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"His Published Policy."

llieae words arc found in the Organ \\: Saints, aml meuu aceoi\;licg to the eontext \vl,;: they are i'ounu, a policy \pubU*htt! l\j Hls . a whioli is an unwarranttd assurbpt::: an |im}>el ! tinenee, and a' disrespectful mentioi:. : the Person of Ilie ]\lajesty. This felIow ; w;. taiks tlius, is utterlj igiiorant. or regardle=s aii ( propriety in respecf to the political head thie country. Will he drag the Sovereign int our poiitical conJcoverpie6?, aud insiet up'-n // partisanship ? This fellovv 3 who has no sensc ' proper courtesy or decencj 5 >hould be stoppod .* mattei\ even as his foul mouth was stoppe 3 by\ the Legislature. VThy, even in repub!icv America, it is consideied an improptietv to p'■" forward the persona! opinion c*f the Presidenf r order to give weight to anj side of a <piest)on " a puhlie far more so 3 is it thec:U injany monarchy wher<> the person of thc Sou eign is inviolable, and jillresponsibintj for offieaets rests with llis Ministers, And moivovr, thp assumption in this particular instftnce ts r warranted, we are sure,hy any Hicts, Wo how this harum sci\ruiii editor has toadied arour- ' thp Royal Person, and| bored the Koyal eav w_ir his ilighty, inss\nc, impracticaMo propositior> and if Koyal endumuce and eomplaceney lio, occasionally permitted him to unburthen lum?e! (though not always We know } ) he immedīat'v\ runs around the street, with a ma££ot iu l>is i r 1 ©51.' .Ai " "" son ? and button holes everjbody to let them ine.. that he has astoniphed somebody wllli g?aud 6cheuio, that has bcon instvucted to to the Miuisters aWut ( it, (a fact) and that a s t dant puhiie wiU be astonished and intere>t ' aud by,—He is tho Parolles of our politFo>