Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — The Sovereign [ARTICLE]
The Sovereign
Of thh Kingdom ii\ n nu"'St uivcrēmoniou? nnd di?rcspcctfu] manr»cr into tbc oal dchntc of t!ic cbnntrv hy tbc Ovgan of \\n Saintis. īlif= Mojostv raadc to appcar in !a?t WedncsdayV loador to ho absolutoly hoiuul, oommittod, and pledgoti to n cortnm politicnl ooursc. whieh is in diroct nntngoni?ra to tho gcncTa! nnd j>niriotic 9cntiment of llip Mnjcßtj % B nntfvc people. Arid this i? dono in hnlf n ym n!tcr ĪTis Mnjcsty waa cnl?cd to thc Thronc bj tho lovicgunrmftnou£ neelnim of thcso nativc jwplc. Tt tronaon to lli? Mnjc?ty to plaee nis Roynl nnme in sueh nn nttitndc of nnhigonism with his subicct«» who eonstitn'to thc chicf of thc Thronc.
• A ītrai]ge ielea*' of brerogatlve and se!f " speet il inust be In I!hj mnids of tl]Ose 3 wh uov/ .seeking *' tu thrust the King f>rwartl r aetiv:e pai'lUan for tLe Cess!on of his Anee?:::' Doiiiam. For our part \ve say, īt heeoine?. 1 1 say ,tlit: leastj all those, ! who hold ofltee at r" 8 p^asure s ? ' and al! editors vrho preteni : express llis Majcfcty , s views, t( not to be too ; " tive, ' and too ridieu]ous |and trensonable inEin.-. ing it appear that īlis jMfojes?ty has a polioy f the alienaiion of part of līis Tvingdom : nr L~ - 44 pilblished " anything 6f the kind. ' flo ! Hawaiians,' an<i friends of the King foreign as well as native ! yoti who gave. and h > a-v6tce to g\ve\ to aid Majesty in aseend:L the ! Throne, will youlie eontent to have th > driVeller drag your belbved Sovereign into t!.nnr£ f politieal digeugßion? We hope not. Xfor iie we wil! -denounee kueh treasonab]e ;t??nnv t-ioii to the best of our a'bilitv.