Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — The City Market Again. [ARTICLE]
The City Market Again.
I j\Ye oaiinoi get it oue of our editorial ho;.. \\]e have got market, |tnd a great manj ou the prain ; and ctcii a fr<|e market with and the refit of tL |W<frld. But \ve waut to saj a few words j now ; aud a gieat deai, more and bj, about"ouj ILpuolulu n&ai'kei* We have been thinkiug o: > I loption ; and have hit| upon the very plaee ; I sitje of the pre6eut Gofernment buildii)£;j. 1-. I iiOt ju6t fche piaee with eutries froin two street? wiih a oi eutiies froui other \Yo ean iuiagiue the aisles and pa&sage£, li&e. w}th 6taik aud itand6 %vith oniy sueh iittle su;i, asj these igles ean projluee, and \vhat a shu\\ i. Would make. E?erjbodj- \vould buj niore taa thjey do now ; |inanj who oulj went pu tO| promenade, would buj 6omething thej faueic.; aijd whieh was haudj 10 purehaa\ Aud be*i,L - th|C regular 6upplies? off meats a poultrj, and * lejits, a good deal of little iu aud eurioss be developed. We wouL hijve one or more $iauds of florist£ * eulleeuoni rij\wauan plauts, mosp, ferns, •oraU t arjtieles pcculiar to Ila.waiiau iife,kou kalubas;,c N i v#l aud ilone poi 4x oīona eord ai:. u«jttiujs, and tuppas , tlieu all the _ tip of the sea as well jas of tue kud » eo that L., mftrket $hould be to soaie esteufc our muKum, . > "wel! the pl;uv of etuef puMie e\mvcmeuee |It wouid uot t;\ke u £rcat deal to bxiug all It u%bl uot |iappen for a long timc . . wcre U figure up ji big tsum, put it iuto and tbcu walt juiire\j upou a lou£ tedL doul>tful, lcgUlative for a muk, I v . beglu *ometlup£ wieLoui /,hat t , .u % _ uxmi !save scme itlSe |u jfcux Km* pub!ic auiwuieuee lleul a lot; pui up
sheds, work to inteve«t the public anel populame tlie pkiee; and bo help it to grow of itself with the aid of an intelligent, lively official cncouragement. - But we doirt expeet this in conneetion with the Government buildings. Such a transformation from dull unvimted retreats of official ineapacity, to a delightful promenade and a great public convenience ; woukl be too mueh of a good thing. And yet it might take plaee, even without waitiDg for the completion of thc grand new Parliament 'House ; as we. smcerely believe that the whole of the Ministerial businees of this eountry eoukl be done in a corner room of the Hoiel; or any other small corner in this town. Are we sneeriug thoughtlessly and speaking without eauee? Great Kingdom! llow big a room woulel you want to accomplish all the Foreign Offiee diplomacy; solve all the Financial problems; and earry out all the Intcrior improvements and designs of the Government dtiring the pasfc half ycar ? What has been done is only the work of clerks; anel the competent clerks now engaged in the several departmehts r could eoniinue tlieir operatipn 3 with one Ministerial head ro give direction, But it may be supposed that we would rather have a corps of Ministerial Esceliencies, with whom to make a humbugging parade over some official, br supposed to be official or distinguishe(3 stranger ; but for all that all the (listinguished strangērs. and those who are not distinguishedj who are morc to our purposc, and we the people, would all of us mueh rather have ! a Market. j