Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — SOMETHING PRACTICAL [ARTICLE]

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Ib t\w coiistanl <lemand of niediocrily. When Columbu> proposocl l< j discovcra uew ■ \vorlcl, lii> yiews svciv deri(lL<l f an<l Le was . asked to something prarlieaL The : syslern of Cox>eriueus ? tlie inveiitioii of I Watts, and the plan to girdle the cartli wilh ī lightning tliat hore intelligenee, weiv all at ; one linie regar(lccl as visit>nury views, and | unthinl<ing" people callc(l for sometliing | praetical. Aiul thcpractieal is mueh needed, , as the cveiy-day work of tlie ; j world. If you sail a ship, plaiil a farmj ! carry on a storc, or elaborate details*of | a iiegotiation, you nccd practical men. But ; if you are 011 untried ground and going to | open up new ways and have to scek a path !in the unknown, Ihen you need one wlio j is something more than practieal: llieii thc I fcrtility of one soul, in origination ond zcal |is wort 1 i a host of workers wlio ean only j l'ollow trodden paths. There are time,s wlien . a nalion necdsthc inspiration whieh sp>rings from love, faith and evcrlast'ing hope; and ! tliis one needs it now.