Nuhou, Volume II, Number 5, 29 Iulai 1873 — We Don't Believe It. [ARTICLE]
We Don't Believe It.
Aiui thc (.iovernmcui Chnc!i>: Woni līelkw \uiut : t it saye, wIhu u )uakcs tho b(ntemcnt * - in 1 ' !csi? tlmn <<f iho people will ? jbe clamorou8 for ;> h'eaty 3 " mc:aning of c-:»nrse ! the proposed ircntv fbr tI:o ce.Uion <*f Peai-1 1 īavbov, Xor «V.e.- ii beli<jvc )t?' ■ statomcnt\vhen - We do noi; Heiieve that j any forcigner or nativo oan bc eleeieu aa Repre- | seutativc to ihe iicxt Lcgislature v;ho Joes not ; staut1 6quarelj on ihe platf;.nn of a rcaprocily ttxaty od any ftoaorub!c !asls ila' tlu Gov?nUiv:nt may a.fhpt " Jt āo™ not bclieve thh, ii' tlie "any honōt % ablc bash> ** iiieiins of Pearl Iīarbor. lt knows h will noū ge: oue-2fih uf thc j nativcs fc> awent io suoh a measure, and the edi- • tor of ihe Gazcttr begiu- 10 ieel that if he eon-1 tiimcs tu iiclvoeate ehii» Iii.d native paj>er ; j the /ta' ( >.vc:a wlll u> perhap3 one*fifth of I jits prceent subsoription list or and Ikwv h* \ [ b\ vr!». ■ i- : : :mk '■: ' \<uy iion:vable «»asi-. ! k