Nuhou, Volume II, Number 5, 29 July 1873 — Why Don't They? [ARTICLE]

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Why Don't They?

•V|)}' Uiju ; t the Ministcrs »tuiup thc oouiiuj like, - Gl£idstone, or a Sewāv3 iii ordcr fo exj3ouud or :;«fena the»r poliojr> Wouldn*t >vc like to hcav ilie MiniBter of Foivign Affaivs ;u!Jrc£S un a?scm'īlago of natim,'and trj topcmiade Uieia ioeonsent to thc (ssteion of l'uulou! Perhaps they would listcu to hiui; l.uit more pevhaps thoj wouHnM, Now we itay, we would not declarc a ohcjr, oi- initiatc a uicasurc, aml uoi he tcadj to !etend our positioii with voicc and peii, hcfore V whole eountry . Wc wouKl have a coustftuat our haek to ?Uhtain our oEeial action; »ot dep<jnd on favoritism or intrigue for our ; ,tr if we tmd int we would t,ifce :» b,iok j '. • i