Nuhou, Volume II, Number 5, 29 Iulai 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
riME-TABLi Of TKI KILAUEA, I A lit*. | A HgltM I Ith. ! A iiirn*? jJOf li» | ; Sepfcuibi i I%( ('iis uii ui K K«iuu «L* . TV '** ite Olfck | <«nly; N'*t any r a:*!?-* <v j ceipt: ii. wn.pi:u, A i THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL AJ HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR. f f 'PHts> kis become She iH)jL»ului v ! 1 tbis city. It is the one* y* [most to the la rouble consideration s^-av.^c■> | ETcryoae who ;mWes In Tlonoktu in to u j exprossxm of surprise to Sad $$ targe, *o clegauh and such a well appointed Hotel !t a | sun], but I; U well Ivov|u the mvusy. Tsv ehly* j pvojeoiou aud piomote|* of the j bhuwel lot bavin* vicvl?d such *u | Urge cdiScv ; but before * jrwr has vxpiied &kcc > j v*S|Opeaed U Ls lj foimd :o be W m**!! L accommodate its throng tf guest*,-- the etorj k about to erect four ihe demand upon Ms hospitality from .£1 of the *vV*d iu* bought hero iu ccsufoi t Vv the cvtuhk-KvUi suai" shipp of the Australia ua&ttmc&V &v tkcijc I? no house of public eatertamMai vu Pacific ccatt, ov In the BrUkh t&otucs which 5..;;. m |\vnt :f M;d elective ro* mml:^::^