Nuhou, Volume II, Number 5, 29 Iulai 1873 — "The Hatrea of the "Good " [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"The Hatrea of the "Good "

Hate is bitter, as Love is sweet, and as thi-1 Heaven. 60 the other is|Hell; and yet how seem to a!ways H?ein|tlns Hell of hate. have sueked in with tbeir inother> milk the fl-e* ing that the fatneBs and favor of the eartli « t surely made For their 6cltc«l and it Is' . . du|y to hate whoe?er ip}d whatever keepā tl:e r |outof tbeir heritage. Now thls hate maj n. |be jaetive, it inay be gejatle, tt may ha\e all tlr j quietude of peaee i yet by its ailent denial " alljapp>roaeh to love and $ympathy, ie h all tlvf more bitter, and all more fitteu to fcundvr fe. ple, to think evil, to pOji6cn life» and make he! : liu : human bearU* IJhe re«;ular presence | prayer aud sermon nay, all maunei* of unci s J. j ous invoeation of a God of Love will not euie jtUie. Can woi\ls cute when the steny heau | wounds ? And your jyour6 etony. But if your % 6 b $tonc 4 the hea:;;v jtha|t you would will heeoine $teel, j break you, giving you ,hate for haie. And s\li_ j ahall be tl>e mouft to Uaine» you l:ad j eBpeeial teaehingand llje espceial eharge of L. ve jif you sought fioeke o( ?oub more than Seece? s j why all woula be witli you; and eveu the |ral| ravening wolve6 might be laiueu by | But wheij jvH\r jpri^mry s and daily the-e v.L j might g£tthcr wth you» and you $end Low w.,to tho mounUin She will nee eoa, j back to you, any eall or fervent . !yet! she might join you if you wa!ked gentlv l tbs path half way to iaeit her, BuT eouvse eprings tis>m of tsoui # and ls mueh for jou who thmk jou ure the geel one* v " the Yc*u think jou will keep jeur sklr: > ekaan:, m<\ youi dkpUy more v. ayoiding Mlowhip wilh vour mh\s men # ui. hni toyour narrt>?r ile &lu«uu y.l Hen of unssmp4thy haie i? a Beavea suth & H?swn; wlth oil? the aeunia ai\2 £. ae.: thd »oul of Lo?e* of eoW» t|\f : rlgMeon? h;>tred, Ccs& «*.