Nuhou, Volume II, Number 5, 29 July 1873 — "Namby Pamby" [ARTICLE]

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"Namby Pamby"

Is ao ;espi*essioD whieh originatcd tvith Cla»ileā . Dickcns, and was intcndcd to Indicate n sovt of j >ycak, wislij\vasliy, eommonplaee feeling and u.tJ terancc. It is not at all applieahle to polilieal jor religious bigotrj or prejadice, two writers j in the ; Gazette (one thc editor, and thc other who j penueel the leader of the 23d) want to make appear. us applieahle to tlie views of Jlr. Rhodcs. They tay that he writes in accordancc with a nationnl prejudicc, and that is • • namVy pambjWe don't undcrstand this to he the mean- } ing of this fanciful factitious phrase. But when ! an editor rcpeats a lot of rigmarole, not warranted bj the faets, such as talking ahout the I " of the people," when perhap& a hakcr"s dazen. liavc taken part ih a 'matter; or the cl bonCjthe einew, the musclc ,? of thc country, mcaniug thereby a score or two of interested parj .ties and thcir underlinge, or thafc" men engaged jin the prosperous activities of life do not turn i asidc from their succcsses and prospcrouß enterprises, to. uttcr startling prognoetics," referring j to a petition gotten up bj thia cditor, and to j whieh a lot of people wcre coaxed to put their nameb. We saj that this, and plentj more of such ytuff. whieh we find in the organ of 'All j Saints, is, if anjthing maj be so oalled, genuine, i simon-pure ; *nambj pambjiem. v Don"fc jou

"^oy : 'ftcāV rcader, und aio'i jou ashamed of your iilogieai, inconsec[uential, ineoherent, impulsive, wisiijwashy iramby pambj elmmpion ? We know jou are, and now you have got anoihei* pen or two to help. Why don't you send to thc Coast, and Inrc somcbody that knows how to sling a nasty pen." We want a H foeman worihy of our steel pen, and one who ean advoeate the Puuioa steal with more ability than your sub?idi7ed exponent of nambv pambyism/*