Nuhou, Volume II, Number 5, 29 July 1873 — Alienation of Territory. [ARTICLE]

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Alienation of Territory.

! j , i l'lw ehauipion and es|>oneiJt eessioii, aiiu^ atiou, in citing instaueies of eessiou civilue. poweie, uienlion* oclj thesc that weie outside > an«| foreigu to the Uouiaiu pivper of sueh ? Kuiuee eeded Kiuiiu. Alask r . Oeuuiuik, !st. Thom;ts; I!olluud, Cejlou, Englan«.l the louiau Islauds; —but lie h.n .• on wUli a lou» list of «ssious, aue'.. ue, Floridu, Java, Capc Cokiy, s the Moluccas, ae cvct- #0 maoj uioie; ln t \\liere tlie eefisbn pai|t of ,tlie temtor) jjiroper, the |sitrie of state, vras eve} doue \vUUfiglj, or \vit; outj tlie eoereiou of \vavj? 'WouUl ai\j~ peeueii;^ cousidcraticu, cr cjoditiou cf tlie aEiin A tlae ejur.trj. Lovvever embanas;ed or hap-.n\H | isli|\l theji might have ljeeu, have iuduce\l . , to p.»vt \vlth Fiulaud; \\ith Gibralter, uiafij' \vith lle%okud,, or l'rar;ce \vith AUae» aad Lomūue'? A*;\y |vltli eueh au id ; ;. |of thesc countries wil! ilsk | tbaja the ,ralue cT t!iese tinnlßujj;' ccsjicis, ,iaopf, Uicj wiu \vit"i v uv ūii chasc« of iuoee».

I tavißh their trcaem-c and bloo<l win lliem l;ack' *gain, * Weak'poiUieai statcs like Uhiaa aud Mexico, fn,ive made cessions : llongkong anel Califbvnla, In whieli thej now quietly aequiesce—yct 7>otli tliese mirrcrider« •of eīomain werc euforced" by war. j Vnd if oii ignorant 5 gavagc ludian people, evev NVillingly sell tlicir lanel' fbr mone,y t whieh we lon't beliere, t!ie inaianee they ofier is the onlj "oe that eaii be prescnfcer3 as a correspondent ixaQiple for tlie Hawaiians to follow In eon?enting io sel! a part, oF their domaiii. Now if the Ilawaiian GoveiDment..bhodld eeeie rbr some importan(: cohsideratiōn, or in esehangej for other territory, the islandj> of Palmyra and i<Mderburj (whieh are under his Hawaiian Majwtj y & flāg), then we would be indulging iii a ees*ioti parallel to ihoee of St, Thomns, Alaaka and Oejloii Ts this nn ludiaa i ! e~ervatiou io be bargaiued | for in order to Bixx:ulnllve interests of ai traders? The Pederation 6f itie German U eited ;!-s an iustanee of eession Jpr Ilawaii to eop}*. Why not eite tlie instauee of tlie old provincial that unitcd iu America ? If Ilawaii, Fyi, %moa, <iud Tonga «ho.uld fhrm a confederation, ;tnd a eentral oeea;nic power, sueh politienl aeiion AVonld be paral!el tb the instancea cited.