Nuhou, Volume II, Number 4, 25 July 1873 — We have not Changed. [ARTICLE]
We have not Changed.
' Vet sume of our friends say that we haw. X:i eurely did not rcad pur t£ platform v in llie ī number of the firgt volumc. Wc then &aid - r " We assert as we have done before the . eignty of the People, and iheir right io deci; : iipon their political dondition } and in vicw ol t;. eleetion of His Maj£sty King Lunalilo ab i'Lei iBovereign, we shall ;during uur resiucncc in ti t N i"brchipelago give t«» |their ehoiee e»ur heiuav a;. ■i loyal support. ! i I W e have dcsircd d'uiing «•ur )«übikaliv,*n ef u ; to diseuss as on othcr occasiuns the impo; } ant question of Imm;igration. and ti:o ivpeopli: _ j k>f this arjchipe!ago; |but there has bccn no dis[ i 6ition in this eommunity >incc the important p ; litical event of the death of the late King. to e:: ! sidcr this &übject of labor supplv but it has bc- . | held in until the ecttlement of what i ; ponsidercd the prior! qucstion of a Free Maik. :■ | This leads us tu the conbideration of ieeipivei j With thc Lliitcd .>ti tcs. We adv<>eaicd &uch I |ueasure very zealously ut Wabhington, aud c<v ; tainly feel no !e?s zcal at this day; but if ? i f i:Ucated lately. this :tiieasure ean on!y be c4i'rk' : by a eoncession for ivhieli the sentimcni <_f • phief pohheal elemeai of this country is iwi \ \ --- ; pared, we had heuei luok to other qiu*rtci& \\l.v: |Lhis ec?sion will uot be requircd. ln thi- >iev fvc have direetcd puhlie attention tu the ;,jL'olonies er eommunitics of Australasia. Uv , Mitcrests aie eeriain:y to a grcat exf'ait idci:t: , j\vitli tliQse of thcse sistcr Oeeanie eoimiiuiiuk . pnu we feel that they would be interesied ir v ' $ ■[. . [fn g wiih u- in a ecmmereial reeiprecii\. Al this disposition iu view we feel that \\e ulg\. : fiegotiate a loan on such terms, as woukl glW\papital at a low rate. suSk-leat for the ccv>vu»inīe < ; |Wveiopiuciū \4 r,ll t>nv indnstrial j}itercs£«.'* | IW we ask, aro we goiog baek on tius i,i_ jXot by any mcans. Thcn do not uiiiu<tly lii: laiwUiml si»y tkit we liavc Ku-e l üboat,elisfi-> otiy fronr,..r t«racd. oui' c.>r.t. Vou kno"v m' has ilone so: ;nui lie apj->aront(y wuh ! t,-. \ '-•ut his hoart is only with |)is peie: £.;• a ihn \>o n'.o.U' fncud?, wHI l>o a!ways tiu!y! \\v >oa w ho ;v.o toiling.-vvith l>ro.iu i i, ea j'. . l! " u v ' l ' , '- uc '' i; or in slio|. or sto:v, aiul .. \vi>!i to nuike a lioiiie in the.-o iilsi;o.f.! [uv w i;i: yoo. to laake* ii sn a:uurĪBg ar. uot a t>.;uisieiu abov;e o«l of wLieh a specuiul * S;ūu may l>e to bc eliewliei,'| V.\ swoar by the hiils of liawaii, tiuit \vc Wu' k.;,. , PJ" ihoie to helu īaake theui a houie cf . [ *ve uiaj be i>i\nuleo that $oiue \vc iaL\v ' i wel<x>mev( amowg the gixjafof t!īc carth; u. - . p.o;i'.!in« l*eg»cr, W as au 'aouoiaWe guer.. » X ~J ■ , i
! Jlb t!k- ChanocUcr Ls \ fcoortJiug to wo lawEeWiw-" " 1 1» r> polkieal.-cauvas oF llaualeū tr,)iuj tj j.. to«le his pīaatatiott haods to *otc foi a vtu' flate tlust vrilī agree ju> c<x?c Peail lLrbor. Y\ *« sorrj that «»e ute4sot iuteivst of tūe Ciu - i . ><>«W } l iV!«j t h»« t > mhU a \leav;u:. w lns htgh oftic- | ; h