Nuhou, Volume II, Number 4, 25 Iulai 1873 — A Market [ARTICLE]
A Market
- . up U'W; . : t i> ,< j. v »or 'V ' ; }'T\vJik' ■. i.» » h\y il ! • • i.i i-::c-a, I.ilenl i .v 1 *i:!ulic • /> » v,- .;r«l -v n;u o;vi . j,y ■ M. > v- i.»;!y ;r» i!v,,..\" j* Uolel ;u s ni i ' i " ! »i. : 'mm- Hv ;r;ua Stvcot. \ --"•■I t? v;ov ; i- u;.i! ' ' v,, v;i; ''" :-'y l'i'M'o :!\M ,IHV 1 i im;vr;r10. .ui /.uy (i j\r- - ; ■ īlio d.ii!v liK 4 U t\ory ] \iu\\ \viūL<t \il! - ■:i" iv.- u-u:ni,v nvo i-uly [nuial!y ;;v;ulod t*f. ' ;, '^ v h'>pir.!v .. \\Mr } u i\ o\nciu- 1 a l;ou>e, : :\'.l :i -UriMoks ei w\,u h \YO !U;;V 1v j>roiul; but ' h;n' x uo? ;; in,'.vkiM Wr havo pi ivate huiohcr :ui I !<w l\m\\ Nheas <u iho *♦ !Vaoh;' % ' 1 n ' "i'.-m-a " ;ii' v U\\>!u:u k
Thus fifty yearB of civilt2ation and intelligenco in ! Hoiiolula Imte pvoduce(l a gve n many eseef!cntj -thipgs, and a considerahle sli<of tastu In aomieilei and oiit door vet i-ot one stmcturc ' that eoneem- t!ie dailv 1 nnd *v.nvcnlence «-Fī\ll[ tlie peopii-. ] It may be.urged s>y w»y oi' that the na-! tivc<* Leing confmed to one 01* two articlcb of diet. | and Ihe nuwlxT of fureignciH t>eing in- ! m a variety, there \vas but little oeea&iun f for a market; and that the pre»ent nide tacillll*^6^' meet the necd> of the eōmraunity.— j 10. i thiB we ia replv tlmt there is no: I doubt, that thib go\ernment eoukl find amplel j aecommodation for elie exerci£e of its diplomacy,; j in t;he shanty on Fort Btreet; and the few visitor§ I who eome to Honolulu eould find lodging in our | boarding houses; and that all thc troops that we ! need eould find in thc*Station Ilouse ;' i and vet for all that we say that it will provc ul-, ! timately henelieia! to the country. though not now| ! profitable. the ercction o( a grand hotel. of a' ! nohle of extensivc bars | ī'aek-. lead to impil>vement>; new.! ! roads pi'omme tnerea:be oP travci and traffic; a good ; : visitors; and fine barracks | j mav increaso recruit* if needcd ; but we are eer-1 i-'tain. i)iat a-eonuv\odiouf? building in a ccntral lo- ? : eat:ion with convenicnr yards, stalL-, aml all| i -marke. appliauee.* \v(>uld promote thc increasc; ! and:eousumption o! all kinde ui' farm anu raneh; ' ] iL'oelueiamong i ia 11 ve?. a> weil as forcigners. i t /vvould becomr a f:i.>hionnb]r ie. v on\ Will onr j !adio walk c-:;i u» I»argnin fur a polatoe ? or a' touiat<» in ihe diri e-i koi t Strci i ! ? ĪUU bupp"Se: We luiO» iiii'>tructed, fpaeions, and well; organi.:od inavker. lcs broad elr*an ais!es woiīkl be a p]easant pA'inenad«' '>eioro brcakfa>t : and wo von;la\ as w- v iuwe *<.• urten >een with }»leas> ? ure, ir. *\Vashingtv'n. Philadelp}iia. and other ! eitio>. oui' v« ivcs. niotiitTr-. si>tei> and daughters" with on their avro> : (or, probably | eawieu by some gailant inaiuiinal youth, who ! does eoi eo'us'iune tl:c niidnight «>II over puueh and 1 I pokev.> a>v! trip.pij!i:' (11- aL is tlie ladics) along ! 1 froiu s;aU to stall, would purehas«' tlieir hutter. : ( egg>. [;'olti'y. fiuits. salaus, aivl bunel>cs <>f How- ! ers. ur-d Hinny other tliing>, that ave vioi now pro- ; euiou. v>v passnl by fer the tinv\ heoau>enut , YCi:leiu?y haou. 'l'h: slLaugers wouUl iuvaila- : bly ; l , pli'o'e ; and a 11 £Ori? of biru?. pianl*. e ll> ana eui k» * moet thelr wisl;es woulu '- i e accumulateJ. Theve wta(ld a gveat siiuiuii:- to v»ioduico and ci«n>uiiK ini»re than we do i--mv . av t u .-ueh a plaee vo-aM give io.ore e;x'di; :.i Ua- e\\> ef ~inieiligeiu ai)yti.iihi* e!-c we i e oj show ll.em. ikvau^o in . i?ueh a piaoo. ruov v.\=>:!<; ve viiuve ,i f ouv "Nlan-.N, t!:a;i eisewherc. : * X . n.e Mno... iiu' wue -v*ae \wik : :aey ltave ojenod Uui'u ti\atKv io |'ivm inuepeiuleneo oi t..0 eeiHUi;v. su;i : ; a hoiel. a pavliauiem liouse, uiivt awaok', and n,:\v \\e pvopose i.un. raiiA; i > fu Minhioi' of lnteiior to make vji ivv K.e ei'.euon e; a vaarket, even [ hi^u'inan Ilotu»k;lu i.e.dsatihe present time. ; To aid iii $ei!ing or eqviing a part of tho eountry! _ agauist the wish oi the native people will iiot be! au lu „ev or a glory. Ihi* miuister \\vi beUeve to | j be au upvight nuuu and tueans to ' 4 C a friend oK peeple, ihen let him try to leavc n moiiu- j ..ineui i.ī ius iueuiuViu, H y of o!ikv a that willaul iu-! dusay, ;nereasv the goneral pi\>duets of the laud,| muh t o»'JiVe«:U'nees ar.d wani>, roinlate ihe'
-rri ipiwinīwiiniiimi n iiiiiiiiiii nn in)o'iri(rniTiiiira i*"'i7Tī —pH¥r:"i?T ™; ; ' of the afford a gcncra! ieciyaL* ■ , and s!)OW forth to the intcll}gerif tiavekv (1 e r and capab?!itits of thc land. 1 1 īn conncct!on with eueh a markv: ¥»*■ - ;have a commodlous 1 hall for agricultund fali- " [ for the eshibition of improved machinciy atjd u. i p!emeDte, eample? oi Bugnr eane, cottoc. īam!.. i tobaeeo. grainp and 4ther } fr«»m a!l - bf i«!nnds ' 1 Such a struetuie and gvound?? } as \v .••:•! : . • plate r>ught to be obtalned fur $2-3,00^