Nuhou, Volume II, Number 4, 25 Iulai 1873 — FREE SUGAR [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


<n Amei'iea is a very likely thiug in a veiy >horl linie. It Is true thaf Lousiana j>ro«luee< sugar, aiKlCaliibmia istiying to do so iVom llie l>eet. and both need proteetlon agaiust the cheaper eost of the staple in tlie West Indies, and in this Arehipelago ; yet inasmueli as pei'hapn forty millions eon--ume siigaiy and perhaps not more tlian one !iundred thousand are directly interested in t lie production of it ; the ēonsumers are likcl ; v to earry the day against the produeers. Tlie free trade party aii? groWiilg in Mrength, and insist that our staple, and all t he other prime necessities of life, shall he fum|sJie(l'to.the people at the lowest possihU' cost; .. ()ur views, and our aeiion, and <>u'r interests will not welgh a feather in the roiisideration of tlie question in Ameriea. | Admiuistratioiis may desire acquisition of j !erritory to illuBtrate thei'r tenure of offiee; (; the..true redresentatives of the wants of: ! he people will not stay their aetion in re- ■ spe<H to free trade, in order to,afford. an op- • jM>rtunit\ for a remission of duty, whleh ! may l(>ad fo some territorial acquisition in j flie. F;icifi<'. N(t\v c<msider tliis, planters and nirr- : j-hants, ihat there is a reasonabIe prohahiJi-; iv aceording to all the indicatious of the Amei'iean press that sugar may he admit-1 h i d dut.v free* in ahoul the timc that you lo rarrv through a reeiproeiiy t-reaty • i<y iii\ i ee-sion of irrrilory ; and <*onsider if iluU h rrilovy nol improvcd ; hy Ihe tVvr- i eiuii governmeni : <-ve}i if your; ir<"U{y was r;itilVe«l l>y l.he Annu i ieaii Senat<' y<;t ilie iiouse of Iiepresentatives might as iii i-']HM-ase of Thomas u\ <-oim>leted and hononihle hargain refuse lo ai)proj)i'iuie a dt»llar,. al auy-.rare for many yoar-, {o make ;!ie i mprovcmenis- lhai are to help tō eiiririi ' vmii, Iheii v\iu ,i re.v>*oul.d-you l»o, and of wlial avaii all your present ex])ecūui<m aiul ago- •. ny V I)oif t you i'eel lluU you wouM like to 1 have sisnething done ? Something| (hat is j')<)ssi».)le hy stat( > smaiis.hi]> in fere>i of-a Pa<-iiie ]U)Iicy ; and lor ihe im- ! medhite honelU of <he industries of ihese } .isle>? AM ol' wiiieh <*ouId be elleeieo hv ! i ) i some ev»uraL'e and of; 1 11; 1 a V. iilim: 5 e, a - -wme a ■ hi) - IniU % eountry noed>.'po>uive ; iiien -wii.o \r\W <:iuir -soul iuto tlie guv-' • .v\:1:T 4 s fih Uieiii j|ie ins[nra-j ' 'e-n 'i hopoiUi i"vcryoody else is! ';!;;dede>ju ful. and oiii of ihis springs plans, - e"lr!v:ve ;ui! le'o-n■>; , ivyAV ' • <■[ ■ ■ '