Nuhou, Volume II, Number 4, 25 July 1873 — The Billy Goat and the Fox. [ARTICLE]
The Billy Goat and the Fox.
I " . - -i (1 .e Bs||c;ct k
r !;. ■, v v;': ; V ? Anr c rno>i j,\roN i uNi: ;;;Vv!; ■ : ?'■ |: ; VV^':" { j i .-' ' "V -'■•>. '• "' Ut'] i'UilV'h o' .. ! ! Ouee a iiuie a iong ocarJcu iiilh : jogging ulong m fompany \uth a Lnig : f|ox, i\nd they \tlto both in <juc£t of gi\ipo.> tUv; a hlgh ca!k\! the Foi'eign 03ke ; i on llio way\ tpey \vere very tliirsiy> :u:u i they desiied I<j drink a rcfreshiLig dmught fi.;m j ojEHeial \vater^; and thcy eame to a well eaik : i ljopuku'ity # amoug thp rooks ef Puuloa. , | And they both lookpd ilown, liekiug their - t ajt thc eoveted driuk; and at ihe same time s;a\v . how haid it was to gpt iuto ihe weil ; biu their ! thirst being great, they jumped iuto deop eaiualal !'waiers, V V" : "^a.VI-Vi; s =^ ' | hen thoy tuiJ ilakoi llieh' ilni'H, thcj i.;v> j tljiut t!\ej luu\ vcutuvcjd uu\visc!j . an.l u <iid ; : eeem to gct <.nit agaiu. | | Tho> t!»o Pos. sppke auJ taid, 'lkoilie:, : s|ai>..l up wīt!i thj- fore-fect agaiust wall, t|ien T will o!\nibor aloug itiy flauk, a:ut steppiujj |from thy lo'ig Tionis. T will be able to reaeh tb. ' top: T a;n I wīll help t'.;ee to uin-i ""■■""" | ? "" :;;;*":;;]; ;■;;; I I \ivl the l?il!y tnvit! diii so: JCud X'aUed up LI; :>nd pheeu! them upagaiust tlic i\}ekj IWall -r t»ie weß: and iua ttie« tlie Fos \vas oa tlu at\<? eut of ! ! T '""' '•■'■ r -* >|xl (lowu U|h.U llts "' s i wv i u i > tolliBaos,f » BaU;-7"Ii" |t!Jiy V.-*f 'v-- 1op« f.s tl*j beard, d;ou wouldi; hk-' .v. e -;t dovn j inio tlils well. Trj to S e, " ' • c.u«ti bejcuuec I aai l'ound For t|iosc »«f 'r • ' 1 ! .v.j th>.' Fox that said tliej v:e;\ '«.k. r . ** i ! i ! ' : . "J" """= = j | .\; ».vck ,<.:pw jfOu ki^, uud if jo*. | Vj„ ; ,u; o£ce, don v . taget ii '>j trjfiuitose'.'. i ja«r ; :1 : :v .. _.;. iin