Nuhou, Volume II, Number 4, 25 July 1873 — The Caricatures [ARTICLE]

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The Caricatures

, Stuck up at our corner, and al ot!iei poinU a few \ , dajs ago, wouW not deserve any rnore noliee if| ; thc eubsklize(I Organ of " Ali saints hau not no- ; j ticed iliem so niueli. La*t \V«*dnesdav it sp,»kē j ! thus: ■ " I A (.AKK'.U'UUK. i % i j j " u ol'len the most poweiTul argumeut ihai ean , | be brought against an unpopula).; mea5ure> inlni.--1 ! ter, or demagogue. Like ridieuk\ it may beeome ; | the most effective eui'e - tbr a poliheal heresy. | But it is a weapon that wiil eut both \vay'<. .So . | when ilie cditor ol' the lshmac!ite organ revjrted j to a earieature to aeeompIiHli \vhat nev;spapei ! ur]gument iailed to do. ;md prouueed i eiuto:m deI signed to ridreule the Pearl Hai'lioi' enterpri£e, he j umvittingly exposed himself to and ejurted th" !same liiie of argument. Thl> \.va< k <Iv.»wn in th.' rtwo or threo eartoons whieh appeared «>n .Sanday ( ! and Monday, whieh vreiv very eleverly dji;e, and ; •anythmg bnt Hatteriug to th-vse who beoame the ; objeets ol' p<)pular ridieuir. We depreeat,- thi< ' >ty]e ol argument iu ordhiary p-lieioal div:i^ion>, ! as it apt to degenera f e into per?vnal f ī lheiv an:» iu> doubt,. oeeasions when k may be i J justifialiie. Few em k ] ipei-s liave pyoscrvc<l thc' ; and eommanded universal re-?peet ii'emali ] |elasses, like the Loiulon Puneh. Thc secret of ! ; its sueecss Iics in the fact t!iat it never publiehes ! j eai'ien tures except* of noted po!itical diavaeters, j s the objeet of whieh is popuiarly approved, and it j | avoids, as mueh ae possible, o&nding private de- ' ( 'eorum. Amateur eaiieaturlsts are not ap* tovjb-. ; j?erve these rules. ? * ! ; , v I j And tarthermo»e. # in anoiiier eoluam iaye, that ■ j tbe cartoon afc the office u ibr a very f j eiilj . attempt to create laughter; and that tlie| j u Kinoe fox " trjiug to get at the " Foreign OEoe : ; grap$fc 1 vras the one whioh oauged the moet ] i laughter among the crowd of i?pectator8.* % - -Oh.; 1 denr! * j ; The eanoon* at the Munor oKoe, JesigueO and j j6ketohedbya native without the dightes: hiut jfroni tm, represented tlie Kuowa and.otherpapev6 j jindicatcd by with erowda vUOund, and, jhau]mg agaiuet tho Nihoi, whieh, wkh i:e j crowd, endeavored to hold ou to Puuloa, Now j j this was a point that every oue of the thou6and o* . .more nativee who looked at it during tbe day per!fectly uudertīto\}d. It wae a sketch perfectly, jadapkd to Hawauan ooui|2rehensign # auJ deeigned for them ouly. So wae the oue whloh r<*p- ■ tbe iudebted foreiguer« lauieutiug jw: { their depreoiated rogar, aud begglng with k\irs, |iu their ejei?» of a mockin& :rjwd, to to I I eell Puuloa, and.«o tell, th«ir Everj kai.aia, j aaderetood Eut ihe M loi au3 .grapea v ia2LCtd>! a pre;ty good imitanou of ekekh Va j Harp«r, had no po»»nt f|r ile su\tl\e«f "*Ve he*urd

severai aek the qucstiyu—-'what ls the iii'/auing. tAat dog (ittu) with "iNuiioi' " uii hls ueek ? !lf few well educated uajives weie familiar with th*. fable, thcy saw no paijtlcular pulnt to it. >;.mie t-Ijicin kuow, as we kupie, that the auimal s iioī: r. %, of the Organ of 'All Saint- want- f ,di'i wjant aad so applie* iuost fv»iniv li\ t6 him. lf one hundred understood and appr ciated your cartoon, one thousand understbō'i ahd appreeiated ours. But to talk of resortin«: i , J ■ ■ » ■ - | -.. .-->-1:;. ': ;• j_ * . wto a earieature to aecomplish wliat newspapei ' atgumeni failed to d<.:j,* , supreme bosīi. N-w : ask our has your ehampk'-n, tL, 1 old auti-coolīe, anti-c6ntract ehampiMn v;r» 't. ofc met one of our argnmenl^?