Nuhou, Volume II, Number 4, 25 July 1873 — Clubs [ARTICLE]
'.i-i'i st?cro£ socictios arc probabiy ,imihvoralc to <oeial-ī'eAnemeni, nml evidently do not promote i R i llec-tual development. What dullards and - oaks thc old habitues of elubs oiHntiesl)ecome ? 'Hie. elub"is ; euppo.sed ur-promote vivaeitj aud vit. and does iiiepire .a eertai.n sliar.pshō of Anter and repartec; so that elub men pass lbr r )fessed wits. Bufc no real.\Vit is ever developed ; 9 y a protessional pursuir of it ? or by a eontinued ■ aiid frictipn of thc mind in the endeavor to ';ake points againsfc your comraues iu thc smoke ,t thc club ī'oom. The Bweet of thc and thc kindly assoeiation of good and > jrig.h.fely women will deve!op far more. A .man f any genius wiil derive for more strength in the •• xereise of hts intellect irom the amenities of the ■>niily eircle, than irom the inte]]eetiml vivacity f i 110 club room. The one gives reposc and :urishment to the soul ; whilst thc othcr fritters : way strength in a perpetual endeavor to be young iuan< if you want to' hhine as a wlt ? an : rator,and a man of po\ver in any work in life. ; ultivate assiduoudly the tendernesses of home. iour inother will g!ive you the spirit of īruth and coEesty of sister vivacity and proT?iety of conveysatibns your lover depth and ten-j 0f 3feelißg, and yoifr wife ; (if you fortu- j oatfly have orije) of fidelity, resgonsi-1 vility anei regai 1 fa others. But club life ie| cards, beer and billiards, internujDgled with | straiDed, diluted wit; and sueh a life longj .Julged,Jcads to a; weai-y and etale oid age ; or ..t the best> to be a garrulous old bore M aud trome!er- of club \viitiC:sms and reminiseences. i Tbe society bf ybur daughter will give jxa more ioepir&tioh Ihan assotiallng with a host j cf profesed wits # who are all the time ucder thc whip to say 4 \ Wit, by too giuch frietioD :ts pomt, aud i y boiDg too nnieh diluted looee« it« salt.
§y There wae a report around . t!mt u a liaimi boat |md vuth two aoted oti board," We arc t?orrj to »ay tbat t-he wae a!togeth€l , of a more f'erioue dmract€r, r.« MiaWo mtlve reporte ae the wrevk of w Ga£'?tte lar\ en ihe recf of r a«!oft f Kith frelght en toard of » agar » . nn tg wHeh WM ; t»\\ MUy goat
"SoutMr' ißacant word iniauoL ueeln Ihkeow- J intonclcd to cumplimciit ;> īnan . upou iiie sbarp apprcciation of liie own iuiL-restE. ; As j|»iguifyiDg' cither lionov -r intelligenoej it jV mere eiupty sound indeeJ. f3jp*' Some Americaus are ealleu ■■ uupatti Jtic ** ; beeaiiBc thej du not wieli tu aesist iu per<jiia«iing ' the i<>vemment of thfir native eountry to espen«l 'her treaßiire upon what is nalel will pL , u\r u swin ! <l]< , . ? * or nn (k e!ephant*' ow h<*r hand v . " llifis lieau is level,* ? is.a.sort of praise ul' a mau's intelligenee, when his Yiews are on a plane willi' the admirer*s eomprehension and iuterests. . So when two asses ]>raj responsively, tlieir heade ■ are mutually i; ]ovel " to eaeh other*s and"' appreciatiou. A large hicrease of appropriath»n \va* muue fur surveying, whieh h mueh needed ihroughout the , islands. But the corps of survcyors, during llie incumbency of the prcsent ministry, lias bccn ! ehiefly efiix)loyed iu sufveying a portion of the do-' minions of the King, with a view to alicnate it. ' Thisfisiiot thc fault of the surveyoi'*.. who liave to do as they arc told. / Mtsi( Tiio l>and wiil play in Kmui<t S'piaro, to-niorrow, at "> 1\ M. Tho following h- tlie programme ; , J,ovo 1101 —Mai'eh ....... coote Sclection—Opera l.e Prcau.\ Cicrc% • Auber ller 13right Smilc ]lauiits nie 551111 Evans , Soklicr's SongtnWaltz. new. Gung'l ' Air, Gavotte. King !.ouis XIII ! Garrwon Ball—Polka, now ..Gung'l ~ ,1 Mr. Uerger introduees new pieeea in his programme for to-morrow , s entertainmcnt at ihe Squ;irc, wiiieh will he a treat to eonnoisseur.>.