Nuhou, Volume II, Number 4, 25 July 1873 — Music in the Parlor [ARTICLE]

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Music in the Parlor

1? ol'len such a eweei insplration. We doirt j iean rausic aeeompanieel by the erush of a fash- j gosBipiDg, eritīcal erowd of people; but; ÜBic,. quiet, and sweet 3 —the outpouring of a| eßder eoulperhaps uuconseiouB of any listen-' <:t, Such opportunitieB are re{reshing shower?s * ;.) tbc heaft of anj earnest one who listens ' they wake happy memories, and the fchought of| hetter possibilities for the future. Sueh 6ooth-■ hig 6easoDs of quiet melody weed out bitterness \ irom all our nafcureB; but when the strain is| <;ver,—the evil spirits ot self interest, ambition,' jealOusy, spitej and all uneharitableness avise in"; their might again. Then, tune ,on, dear min-*| *trel, in the parlor; lbr thou art blesshig tho; lietener and Ihe wavfarer/ The dust of the ; iighway i8 a bed of roscb to him, whilst thy ! jaelody keeps him lingering near thy. gate. And wlien he listens to lt in • the solitude of his \ oorn his heart is full to overilowing, and is for 'he time being c6nverted hy thee from all the; Tii of his way« ; and thy tuneful fljigei'B and j . voi'ce are aiv evangel to hie " : {