Nuhou, Volume II, Number 4, 25 July 1873 — The Modocs of San Francisco. [ARTICLE]

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The Modocs of San Francisco.

£P*om the Gazētte } J«ly 23.]

llappily ibr the peaee of Califorma atid foi' ihe 1 liuaneea of tbe Ameriean War Department, the littlc buu(l of Modoc īndian? f \varnors aiiel souaws, naml3ering abo«t 160 to 200, on the lava beds, ] have either surrertderēd or been killed, by"the' 1 help of five or six hundred eavalry and infantrj, and at a eost of at least a quarer million of dollars. l>tU there is another uncivilksd hand, quite as «avage and more numerous than that again§t whieh the national troops have been operating in the lava beds, existing in the very cenlre of Cali-| iomia, whieh ought to be suppressed, They are' pcrmitted, aye, evcn encouraged by the loeal ] authorities ; to abuse, beat, etone, and even mur-| uer peaeeahle residents of Snn Franciseo lor no | other reaFon tlmn to gratify a Bpirii of fiendish haie and inhuniani(y. Some of the inosl rabid of thesc modern savagcs themBelves landcd but a few ' years ago at Castle Cargen, a? poor ; as ignorant,l and as dcstiiute of all knowledge of i\epublican; lu§titutions as are th< i Asiatic objects of their : mnrderoue persecution. This is not a sketch of| thc past, but it is goi»g on now. The verylatest ! San Kranciseo paper at hand reports a mob attackiiig a company of Chme«e who had just laiid- i ed, and stojaing them till ihe bruised and bleeding ; ohjeet? of their wrath were fain to hide away like ] dogn.. And this in free, Republican Amerjca! j Ar Amerieans weai'e ashamed of oui' country, and | if the loea! authorilie? are in6ufficiont to secure to 1 the rights whieh treatieB gnarantec io ; tbcm, then tl;e natioiial fbrees shonld l>e ealled in ' ' iv put elowii, if need be with powder and >hot, | thes"e bloody 'Modocs ot San Francisco. Ff thc ! . same' treatiiient -was sencd On : Amerionn> migrat- ■ in(r to ehina.—and the retaliatlbn would onlv be too just~-how soon" • the American naval ibrces bc eal]cd in to demand satisfaetiony and to j eonipel the C : {iine&e (■overnmcnt to see that the; ridits <vuaranteeu bv ilie treatv nvere seeurcd to ī O O w ** • : every pcrson. \Vc are glad to obsevyc that the' press throughout the ltepubllc is waking up to jirotcst againßt ihe savage brutalities now being; perpetrated by ihe fean Franeiseo Modoes bn the J Chincse; nnel we trus( that they wlil not eoasē t ill the Covernment is eompelled to give noiiee (it ! necessa t ry,} that the naiional forees will proteetall ( anigrants who !and iu Amerien, vrithout ug u 1 ' to"rae(ror eOloiv One of onr exchanges, tl eV >. . Vork JiMtrnūl <f Cofn) n era: bf Junc has thc; fbllowing. written beforc the murders aiul ?toningsj :referred to above. } )\\i indieating the i.or-e of tbe| ''Fnstern {: . _ ' a(iur.vilk- ina! xow(\w> oi' Sau KraneisOo «• ■•Uiiiuo tl;eir infameus irēanuent bf; ih.e 1 hin iliiflians as>ail them in the streets, :hkl t!;e !*»• -:;r«I of eonnlve wiili t!ie-e i rs *-y levyiug an tax on C!;inese Inunun wi,.. prohibiting llie i ,el'' of ,dead h«'ul > (aiid (funni!y »mo persons rr:y i Ki? \ ruol!y. iniu:,} euttin.īr o!f tl.e frea-:n\ il p! t ;*laij> of t!.e |o* v v.ho lb:d iheii we.y fhe CohiHy -h'il. a- t!iey a:e sure :«•' hr.--l i:. .-o'-!\r <r!a;or, throrgh violatiug ordinanf, - pa-scd io annoy thom The rraueisCv>' |:vl ivpevted evovided by ( lanamen w!a< havoarrested for no otl;er iw.nui than b v vau<ej th y ovevlill ihe !odjring-houses where alone (Uca*! ::e aihnved admis>ion. ft seemsihere is an oi\»i- J ■iiu'.o ro»iniring a orrtain amount ef ?p:\ei' to be ii!o'ted to inmai.of lodging-h-uiM-s, und a» (he* 4 '' • e.. '.^r : - - d'-:ve- r: rv V» 1 :

tions, cannot ohtam thc lawrul num?jcr of fcet of accoinmo(3fttion īn thc 'Icn= of | their jcountrymeDj thcy tire eent to jail» whieh is a niuc!vworse j>!ace. all the J?an Tranclscc> ;po!icv of abu&ing the Ci)incse comcrs—is simplv htroci9\i&.