Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — SOMETHING BESIDES MONEY [ARTICLE]

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l\ i> tva-<mahle uud proper ihat indufetiial j interests wliieli are erippled or embarrassed hlh>iil(l appeal io the Oovernment of the eonntry to devise, Lf possible ? some means ,jn relief. It is llie duty of the Go\ einai.enl i.o gi \ r e heed to all sueh appeals to aid if possibk v ; but ehief du%* is to eonsider rhe general a\ cll \i e of fhe whole country. \ud this Avelfare is not derived Ironi its iiulustrLal inlerests alone. Evei \ eomimi- l niiy 7 or nation of people, have sojnething whieh eannot be boiighf with gold f or 'silver, and Svh!eh are _not, or ought not to ī>e sold» He is pronouneed aeeursed, who would rembve the land-marks ? even if they be uneultivable peaks, or brown ahd ! »arren shdfes. tt may be well" for the stranger to try to btiy them, But what sliall be thought of the son of the soil, or of !)ie stewārd of tliē vineyard, the guardian of the estafe, the eonservator of the puhlie domaiiij and the ōne in eharge of tlie Boyal Honor, Avho belittles a portion of the land īhat is in his keepiiig, and says it is of 110 value ? in order to pa\vn, or sell it for gold ? He may he a shrewd ira3e'r, a sharp Kinan- < ier, and a sueeessful pawll-broker, but he j isiiot 16yal to a trust heis not 'faithful asa ; l\linister, nor intt lhg* nt nor' has the honor of a man, ispiii,"ul to see our generous and | inexperieneed Bovereign surrounded by | nien who wouhl barter away ibr greed His j |ionor and His patrimony. But as long as - w.e eitn lift up our voiee, or wiekl.a pen, we will ery out ouv hatred of thls work from ihe yery.bill tdps;of Hīawaii.