Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WALTER MURRAY 'GIBSON, KiMTOi; AM) PHOPKI KTOK. usst KI) K\ i:u V TIT RSI) AY AM) FEU DAY Office of Die "N r nor, corner of Fori and King Streets, where those wishing \he paper will please leave their ortlers. Price, ten cents per copy. Two dollars per quarter af tweiily-six numbers, A limited number of Advert isemenH will l e received. . The proprietor, not designing this publication as a permanent newspaper business, will not keep books, and insists upon cash in advance for subscriptions and He pay-; his printers every Saturday. Hesidence at the Hawaiian ■Hotel. : v. .. t vr